Welcome to Our Class Blog!

Greetings and welcome to our Class Blog. I look forward to reading your reflections about Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing. The weekly blog entries should be posted by the due dates listed on Blackboard. I will post the weekly assignment. To post individual responses, students should click on the word, "comments" then write in the comment window to the weekly assignment. Blogging is not Discussion Board. Students are expected to reflect on the weekly posting each week. Students are encouraged to read other students' comments. You do not have to respond by commenting to classmates. These are your thoughts. This is a closed blog thus only students enrolled in NURS 432 will have access to this Blog by email invitation. Our confidentiality rule applies to all class bloggers. Please be mindful that scholarly writing is expected. You may refer to our class Blackboard for more detail about this Clinical Activity under Assignment. NOTE: Instructions on how to proceed are located in the Welcome to the May Graduating Class of 2015 message on the lower right side under Blog Archives October 2014. You will not be able to post a comment here. I initiated this Class Blog in 2011 with (6) discussion questions. You will be instructed to respond to my discussion questions ONLY. DO NOT START YOUR OWN POSTINGS. I look forward to your comments. Happy blogging!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

WEEK 6 Termination

I can't believe it is termination time already! It's been quite an experience, I must say. I remember starting my first day of clinical at the SGHC scared and apprehensive at my first encounter with the patients, and I truly wondered how  I would make it through. On the contrary, after week two of the clinical I was looking forward to interacting with my patient. I had a different notion of what to expect during interactions with my patient initially, and my experience with the first client I was assigned  did not help matter much. As the rotations progressed I got better at interacting with my client.
learning to see the person beneath all the symptoms and behavior helped me communicate effectively with my eventual patient . I have also learned to be more empathetic, and also use the right word that would have the appropriate therapeutic effect on my patient.  I terminated with my patient before we gave them a teaching about hygiene, he gave me a hug and asked if I would come around to see him again.


  1. This experiences was very fearful in the beginning however, once I realized that they are many individuals that have mental challenges that we deal from day to day and we may not realize it; I became less fearful. Definitely learning experience because I was able to see in what ways I am therapeutic and not therapeutic. Mental health clinical course has helped to me to examine my interventions in dealing with individuals with mental challenges. I am able to see how to initiate, and maintain an therapeutic relationship with an individual to develop an desirable outcome. I have also networked while doing my clinical rotation as if I would like to practice in nursing at clinical site; I will be able to do so. Most important was to uneasiness of being fearfulness of mental health because to address it we must face it and doing so we will explore the many stigmas that are associated with the vulnerable population in various communities. I have taken an deep appreciation of mental nursing because it can be exhausting just as working in an hospital setting with a load of patients while your one or two clients experiencing an episodes or crises and it set them back to the start which means implementing new straggles and reevaluate the care plan. Because ultimately the mental nurse is like an art project where you are using various paint colors to reflect an vision that you may have; likewise, the mental nurse initially uses various non-pharmacologic measure to help reflect an optimal well-being for each individual different from the next. It was exciting to learn how a nurse can manipulate the environmental factors to get a positive desirable outcome.

  2. It all started like yesterday and now we are at the end of the journey, it was a great pleasure. I always say, I love to work with mental patients because anytime I am in their company, my heart always yawn for them because they are human-being like every other person, no matter their exsisting conditions. Every moment of my clinical was enjoyed and appreciated by the patients and the staffs as well. It was a big learning experience for me because the last day ended with me being the appointed group leader for that day. The last individual presentation was done by one of us, while finally, the whole group, one after another was able to present as directed by the Instructor what we all had gained as students in the center right before the Nurses and other staff members. It was very interesting and it all ended with vote of thanks and presentation of our love gift for them which was well appreciated. I say a big thanks to our Instructor who really did a good job and all her importations which I believe will take us a long way in future.
