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Greetings and welcome to our Class Blog. I look forward to reading your reflections about Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing. The weekly blog entries should be posted by the due dates listed on Blackboard. I will post the weekly assignment. To post individual responses, students should click on the word, "comments" then write in the comment window to the weekly assignment. Blogging is not Discussion Board. Students are expected to reflect on the weekly posting each week. Students are encouraged to read other students' comments. You do not have to respond by commenting to classmates. These are your thoughts. This is a closed blog thus only students enrolled in NURS 432 will have access to this Blog by email invitation. Our confidentiality rule applies to all class bloggers. Please be mindful that scholarly writing is expected. You may refer to our class Blackboard for more detail about this Clinical Activity under Assignment. NOTE: Instructions on how to proceed are located in the Welcome to the May Graduating Class of 2015 message on the lower right side under Blog Archives October 2014. You will not be able to post a comment here. I initiated this Class Blog in 2011 with (6) discussion questions. You will be instructed to respond to my discussion questions ONLY. DO NOT START YOUR OWN POSTINGS. I look forward to your comments. Happy blogging!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week Three

Blog about the pros and cons of using Movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders.


  1. Movies required for class is a diffrent learning technique. I think movies do a lot to help you understand things you may not be familiar with. Also you can watch the movies with you families and friends to relax and still learn from it. Personally there are many benifits apart from what I have said such as movies give you a break from reading and writitng. You get a visual example of issuse and disorders, becasue many topics discussed in school you never get a chance to experience it. Most of the movies we watch are very interesting and funny such as "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". If you did not tell us to watch it I never would have. This movie opened my eyes to early treatment of mental health which I could have never experienced or seen for myself. As far as negatives about movie watching is that it takes time from studying. The topics disscussed on the movies will not help you with the test on Thursday. All in all watching movies are a excellent way to clarify things you do not know.

  2. I love the idea of using movies to better understand the psychiatric disorders. I have a photographic memory so watching a movie would help be more because I can visualize it rather than reading about it in a book. It is also good to actually see a person with the disorder because it depicts the symptoms and characteristics of the disorder. A con of using movies to assist with understanding psychiatric disorders is that if the movie depicts something wrong then that’s what the student will remember. Movies are not always 100% accurate. But I do believe that using movies have more pros than cons.

  3. I think that using movies to assist students in psychiatric nursing is a great idea.

    Pros: It helps you to visulaize what's going with the psychiatric patient and the different disorders. It helps you to remember the signs and symptoms and gives you a better understanding of the disorders. I would prefer to watch a movie about psychiatric disorders versus reading a book on them because I am more of a visual learner.

    Cons: Watching movies can give some people the wrong depiction of psychiatric nursing. Sometimes movies can be taken out of context instead of looking at them as fictional.

  4. Movies are a great idea to enhance learning. The pros of incorporating movies is that it is an alternative to lecture and shows a visual of those with mental health disorders. If you miss something important, you can "rewind" or go back to review it. It broadens your outlook on the various mental health disorders because most of the disorders are only read or heard about and during movie time, it allows us to put true examples with the disorder.

    The cons of movie time, is making the time in addition to study time to watch the movie. Also some visual aids are not available at all of the libraries. For example "One flew over the Cucukoos Nest" was not located in any of the Baltimore County Public Libraries in the Country; therefore our group had to go on a search mission to find the movie, then we had to apply for a baltimore city library card, then pay $2.50 for it. This was fine for me, but may have been stressful or frustrating for someone else.

  5. I think the use of movies could be very useful in helping students understand pyschiatric disorders. Movies can provide a visual aid and potentially prepare students for what to expect in the clinical setting. It also provides a break from lecture. Students have many different learning styles and sometimes lecture is not the most effective. If your a visual learner movies can be a great asset for those students.

    The cons for me were being able to get access to the movie in a timely matter. Also sometimes movies can portray things in the context, which could give students the wrong impression.

  6. Pros:
    1. Watching movies as a mode of instruction is a change from the traditional way of learning and may help the students stay interested in the subject.
    2. It is a way to allow students to relax, learn and be entertained at the same time. This could be a way for students to relieve the stress of exams and reading textbooks and sitting in a classroom for hours.
    3. This way allows students to learn from a different point of view.

    1. Sometimes movies are not completely accurate. In movies, special effects are used or situations that may never occur in ‘real’ life may be used as well.
    2. Movies may not convey a psyche unit in the correct manner. They may only show the negative side of psyche patients.
    3. Movies are based on entertainment; therefore certain events and actions may be complete opposite of what would be seen on a real psychiatric unit.
    4. The movie may be based solely off of someone’s opinion and not based on research or facts.

  7. Watching movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders is a good idea.
    The pros of watching movies are that they give the learner a visual of the different disorders. This may help visual learners understand the disorder in a different way than if they were just reading about it. Watching the movies also allows for the student to relax a little but they are still learning through the movie. Another pro would include the ability to remember the events in the movie which could help to answer different questions.
    The cons in watching movies to assist with understanding psychiatric disorders are that some individuals are not movie watchers and they may go to sleep which will not help them at all. Also, some movies do not depict the right information. This will give the student the wrong perception of different disorders and how mental ill individuals act. Another con includes taking the time out to look for or purchase the movie when the student could be studying something else.

  8. I am for the most part a visual learner so watching movies would be a great learning tool for me. The pros of using movies as an aid to learning is that it is a more relaxed setting. Also, movies may print a better picture to help you to understand the actual illness better. I also, think movies are a good idea because for the most part having mental illnesses is not a joyous experience and may be sad to not only the patient but also to others that come in contact with them; through the use of movies (from the previous ones I have seen) humor is brought into the story so it doesn't appear to be a sad.

    The cons to using movies to assist with understanding psychiatric disorders is that for one you have to have first read a textbook to actually know what the disorder is and the signs and symptoms associated with it. It would be difficult to watch a movie on a schizophrenic client without not knowing at all what schizophrenia is, because movies will not actual define disorders. Another con to movies is that they usually pick the worse case scenario to portray the disorder, but in real life most cases are not that severe.

  9. Pros of watching movies in PMH
    I believed that the idea of using movies to assist students with Psychiatric Mental Health is a great idea. I am a good visual learner and this works for me well. Watching movies for Psychiatric Mental Health is like reality for me rather than reading the book and trying to make imaginations with might not be accurate. Watching movies keeps me awake and focus. Movie is an essential tool to me academically because I can look at it and it just stick in my brain. That’s why I don’t watch any movie twice. Once is enough for me. The movie “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest” is a great example. It really enhanced my understanding of the topic it depicts. Reading the text book some times get me bored when it is not interesting and I will end up fall asleep.
    The cons
    The con for watching movie in place of textbooks is that, students will not learn how to read as effectively as possible. Study after study has shown that using new media is not a horrible tool to assist in teaching, but that using these medium as a primary resource takes away from students the ability to develop their imagination and creative thinking. That, of course, goes against the very goals of teaching. The long-term effects on the students can be troublesome and students will end up not knowing the course in depth as they should.

  10. The con to watching a psych movie is that it may exaggerate the way things actually are in a real psychiatric setting. Another is con to watching a psych movie is that you may get a full understanding of the psych disease. For example like in the movie "As Good As It Gets" the main character had OCD which most people could figure out, but he was also very critical and sometimes harsh to some people. So if you did not know much about the disease you would think he was just being a jerk but that is one of the symptoms that go along with OCD.

    The pros of watching a psych movie is that a picture is painted in your memory and not merely just words on a page. You get to see with your very own eyes how the signs and symptoms of these disorders are displayed and how they function in an everyday setting and how they manage life with their disorders.

  11. Pros: Movies are better than books! In some cases... There are many people who are visual learners and seeing a movie can give them an idea about the different disorders that we may encounter on a psych unit. For example, I recently watched a movie with Jack Nicholson as the main character with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I was familiar with the disorder but seeing it portrayed on screen and the effects that it can have on a person's daily life.

    Cons: Movies are made for entertainment purposes. For this reason, there are alot of things or actions added that are false and add to the "fear" that people may have related to psych patients.

  12. Pros:
    Using movies would help students understand the signs and symptom of the psychiatric disorders. This is because, whoever is acting as the patient would consciously bring into action how a patients who has this disorder will look like in appearance, and how he or she will reach with others or at a given situation. It would be humorous to watch these kinds of movies but they are real life situations that are acted to make student become familiar with psychiatric disorders. In addition, since most students are audio-visual learners they will learn more from what they have seen from the videos than the lectures they received in class. We all like to be entertained, movies being an aspect of entertainment; I will love to watch these movies while having to popcorns at my side so that I can be chewing it as I watch the movie.

    Whatever be the case, what will see in the movies can sometimes be over exaggerated by the actors and will not reflect real life situations. Again, the method will may watch in the movie that was used to calm down a psychiatric patient who is in crisis situation, may not be used successfully with another patient in similar crisis situation. Thus any student focuses only on the method observed in the movie, may become frustrated when he or she is unable to calm down a psychiatric patient in that same situation. Because movies are usually acted for a written script, actors are directed to do what the script says thus actions are predictable; but in real life situation, the patient’s reactions will be very unpredictable.

  13. I feel that cinematic movies can be an interesting addition in understanding pyschiatric disorders. As a con, it has to be explained that the movies themselves may distort the reality of what the disorders entail. The goal of the movie is to entertain the audience, so the viewer should expect exaggerations of the disorder being highlighted. This may lead to greater stigmas being placed on people with psychiatric disorders. As a pro, movies can open up discussions about what to look for in certain psychiatric disorders. Documentaries about psychiatric disorders can help to provide awareness, as well as, dispell some myths. This may help to lessen some of the stigmas that are associated with mental illness.

  14. The pros to watching movies to aid in learning about psychiatric disorders is the fact that they are readily available. Another pro is that, depending on the time in which the movie was made, it may reflect the treatments used for psychiatric patients. The movies do give a background for those who have no idea what they are walking into. A con is that they may exaggerate what the disorder really entails. Movies also may not reflect the true treatment used for certain disorders.

  15. The pros about watching a movies is that, it helps us see a much bigger picture of the the mental disorder that is being portray and how it is integrated in real life events along with the entertainment aspect of it.The con is that it might have a negative reviews in the media, and so people might not be able to really understand the disorder and adding on more stigma.

  16. The pros about watching movies is it provides examples of mental disorders. As a student it helps to see real life examples to put into action what we learn in class. The con is that the movie may not be realistic. Also the movie may only show mental disoders in a negative way, that can be misleading to the student.

  17. There are several pros and cons of using movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders, such as:

    (1)These movies offer a "glimpse" into what psychiatric facilities may look like(For most nursing students, we have never stepped foot into a mental health facility).
    (2)May help us to have empathy for individuals who are committed within these institutions.
    (3)Movies can prepare us!!! They give us an idea as to what we "might" expect to encounter when dealing with patients in these settings.

    (1)These movies might give a false sense of a subject matter due to inaccuracies.
    (2)Not being able to convey the complexity of mental disorders due to movie time constraints.
    (3)Over exaggeration of psychiatric disorders and treatment for theatric purposes.

  18. Using Movies to enhance learning is a good way to integrate reality from non reality. It is also a good way to visually see what you read in a text book. For instance seeing the procedure of ECT being done in a movie. As a student we can see what the nurse is doing and what she is not doing to compare what we are suppose to do. Also seeing visually what a person looks like when they are bipolar or a person with identity disorder etc.
    The cons about using movies is students may not know what can be fiction and nonfiction. Movies are made to entice a person to watch it so they over dramatize things. Another con may be student do not have the time to dedicate to watch the movies and also study. Also the trouble of getting movies now since everyone don't have Netflix and blockbuster and Hollywood video went out of business.

  19. I love the idea of using movies as a teaching tool. I am a visual person and seeing is the best example ever. I only have 3 problems, with watching movies for class. 1. The Time, I barely have the time to study and adding a movie in that I wouldn’t normally watch is a little irritating. 2. Locating the movie… I could not find One Who Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, so I had to reinstate my Netflix account. I was thinking YES!! I will be able to watch all the movies on Netflix. NOT!! 3. I wish we had time as a group to discuss the movies and get everyone’s view. Even with the 3 cons, I think it’s a great idea.

  20. I welcome the idea of using movies as a teaching tool. I too am a visual person, but I can work with what I am given. I do however think that different methods of teaching captures all types of learners. Pro: As far as movies for psych, it helps to introduce behaviors that might not be captured in every clinical setting and if nothing else it sparks conversation about various disorders. Con: I don't think that some of the movies give an accurate picture of what some psych facilities are like on a regular bases, but it does show what they can be like at times. Some things are over dramatic of course, but since I don't have a lot experience in a psych facility maybe they aren't. I just know the one I have been attending does not appear thus far to be like the movies always seem to potray them. I just so happen to turn to an episode of Law an order today and they were showing a cop taking a man to a mental illness facility. Every client in the facility was either shouting, talking, mumbling to themselves and looking like the worse case scenario of mental ill patients. They looked to be suffering more from retardation that even the man they were bringing in was frightened and he had mental illness himself just not to the degree of those peoople. I had to laugh!

  21. I believe that the cons definitely outweigh the pros of using movies to assist students understand the different psychiatric disorder, but the few pros are definitely helpful.

    PROS- students that are visual learners are able to see the behaviors and patterns of individuals with psychiatric disorder, rather than just reading it in their textbooks. Another pro is that the students are able to see the signs and symptoms of the different disorder, and be able to store them in their long term memory. Finally, after watching movies, students are eager to learn the whole story, so they often research the topics more.

    CONS- in movies the disorder are over exaggerated, there may be some biases and stereotyping going on in the movies that the students may associate those biases and stereotyping as reality. The movies sometimes are boring, and do not go into details about the disorders.

  22. I think using movies to assist students with the understanding of psychiatric disorders is good because if you never encountered a psych patient it can give you a baseline of what you may possibly see. It allows you to possibly relieve some questioning you may have on how the facilities are set up.

    The cons of using movies is that movies are just movies so some of the things you see may be exaggerated for film and selling purposes. It may not portray at times correct ways of dealing or handling situations correctly and may not portray a good way of displaying some disorders.

  23. The pros of using movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders, shows the visual aspect of the disorder. The best way to remember the disorders that are discuss are to see them visually. For example, I will never forget Tardive Dyskinesia after watching Pro Day-Black in class. The next reason that I personally see as an advantage, is that I love watching movies. Way to go with this part of the course!
    The cons are that watching the movies can take away from the reading time, which also has to take place in order to get a clear understanding of the disorders. The movies are good visuals, but should not take the place of further expansion through research and reading.

  24. I like watching movies as a learning tool because I'm a visual learner. On the other hand, There are some pros and cons to watching movies to assist with understanding psychiatric illnesses. Pros may be that movies are quicker than reading, you have a visual of characteristics of the mmental illnesses, and you can compare more to what you watch because it's like aa reality. Cons of watching movies may be lack of details, lack of information about the illnesses, false information, or lack of understanding of the mental illness and its characteristics.

  25. The pros of watching movies to assist with learning about psychiatric disorders outwiegh the cons for me. I love watching movies. I am a visual learner. I understand the concepts of disorders much better when I can apply them to real life situations. Watching movies allows me to have an example of the characteristics of a disorder. It also makes for a great discussion since students may have different perceptions of disorders. It gives a chance for instructors to clarify the meaning of terms while using the movie as an example. The con to watching movies can also be that students perceive situations differently, so their has to be time allowed for clarification after watching the movies. Another con may be that everyone may not have access to the movies through the internet or they may not be able to rent them or buy them from a store.

  26. I think using movies in psych/mental is a good idea. I think it is a good idea because its a way to offer an alternative method to learning for those who are visual learners. Im personally a visual learner, I need to see what I've learned in class in order for me to fully understand it. I've always been the type of student whose mind tends to wonder if the lecture goes on for a long period of time, but if it includes something like a video clip or movie or something, then I'm more apted to give my full attention. The downside of using movies I think is that sometimes students may rely totally on movies and other visual aides as a substitute for actually reading the book/powerpoints, etc. BUT DONT TAKE AWAY THE MOVIES, ijs lol...

  27. Because i am both a visual and an auditory learner, watching educative movies help me to grasp what is actually taught in class. Its some sort of a good resource to refer to because if much attention is paid to it, i learn a lot and above all the movies are interesting but the disadvantage though is that, it takes lots of time to watch and fully get all the information needed therefore putting a strain on studies. This can cause some problems with achieving good grades, therefore, i think movies with short times should be required instead of the one's with long hours.

  28. Blog about the pros and cons of using movies to assist student with understanding psychiatric disorders.
    The use of movies help student to understand more about psychiatric nursing. Being visual person movie help I to relate more, and be able to remember physiology symptoms of the mental disorders. Movies are not always 100% accurate; it can give people negative effect about psychiatric nursing. The actors overstated or use things that are not real life event. Mostly they use the worse scenario about mental disorders and mislead student about symptoms of the disorders.

  29. The pros of using movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders is that they allow students to grasp a the portrayal of a psychiatric disorder with visual and auditory effects. A con is that the movie may not correctly portray the psychiatric disorder and may alter the student's perception of the psychiatric disorder. I like watching movies to help me understand psychiatric disorders since it shows me examples of how psychiatric disorders may appear and it is easier for me to remember the disorder and I can compare and contrast how the movie portrays the disorder to what the disorder really is defined in a textbook..

  30. I believe using movies as a visual aid is an excellent source of teaching aid for students. Most student learned by vision and when a person watches a movie about a topic, it enhances their understanding of the material and also makes it easier when reading. For example, I did not understand some concept about psych nursing at the beginning of the semester, but after watching the movie “One Flew over the Cocukoon Nest” I came to understand how a psych nurse approaches or work with patients who have cognitive disorders.
    Cons: Watching movies can also give a person the wrong idea about Psych nursing. It also is a time consuming for student who has to work or have other things to do.

  31. I believe that it is a good idea to use movies as a learning tool. Movies allow us to view how different disorders manifest in people and also movies show different points of view. Some movies show how persons cope with their disorders and also how their families are affected. 2 cons that I have is that sometimes movies over do the disorders. They show only the extreme for entertainment and some viewers may see it is concrete, and no continuum of the disorder portrayed. Also there are movies that seem to make the people in the institutons wrongfully accused of being insane and make the doctors look like bad people. The patients are hearing voices, seeing things and solving misteries and no one believes them. This could cause someone to really think that a patient with schizophrenia is telling the truth but misterunderstood, and begin to believe their delusions.

  32. I believe there are many pros and cons to using movies as a good learning tool. One pro is that if you are a person who is a visual learner seeing the actual disease process played out in a character of a movie may be ,ore helpful than reading about it in a book. A con to using movies as a learning tool tool is that movies are dramatic and theatrical which can sometimes spin the reality or the truth of disease process, exaggerating it or underplaying it. I personal am a visual learner and a movie lover so watching the psych movies really gives me a better understanding of the disease processes as I learn them.

  33. Movies can be very useful as a learning aid as well as provide barriers to the learning process. Students have varying learning styles and levels of comprehension. Movie time for some can be fun and intellectual to others.

    Pros: For visual learners, movies increase levels of comprehension and memory recollection. It can also be a less stressful learning environment because it combines theory and fiction. Movies also turn to portray life situations which students sometimes relate to. This experience helps create a mental picture of worded scenarios especially in exams.

    Cons: Movie time can represent a break from studies. Not every student can concentrate on the details in a movie hence key points can be lost or misunderstood. Not everyone is a visual learner; watching educational movies would not necessarily improve knowledge base for such persons. Movies also take away the thinking process in studies because everything is acted out.

  34. It’s a pro because it’s an alterative learning style, and it actually prepares you for class lecture. You would be able to have a more effective discussion on the disorders. It actually helps me to be more involved during class lecture. It also can be a reinforcement of learned information. If you are a visual learner and auditory learner this would be a great way of learning. Watching the movies would allow me to see different types of disorders and have a clear picture of the signs and symptoms of the disorder. The con could be some of the information maybe fabricated or out dated. This could be a con students might not realize that basic on the situations the outcome may be different.

    Using of movies in assisting students with understanding psychiatric disorders has these pros and cons
    Pros are: Using movies
    • Assist students to develop empathy with the mentally ill client and learning to empathize also encourages better understanding of how mentally ill individuals became the way they are.
    • Help students identify social stereotypes of individuals with mental illness. This identification then helps students not to be judgmental of individual’s appearance.
    • Teach and allow students to effectively learn more about mental illness.
    • Help students to identify different types of mental illness, degree, and stages of the illnesses.
    • Some films show bias against mental illness and this bias can easily be adopted by students. For example, it is easy to get swept away with the idea that all mentally ill patients are put into strait jackets or restraint in isolated rooms, but this is not always the case.
    • Sometimes when people think of mental illness, they think of people with multiple personalities as seen in many movies, but there are many types of other mental illnesses that films don’t always cover. For example, depression is a form of mental illness but it is always and easily overlooked by the society.
    • Films don’t always show the recovery of individuals with mental illness. Whereas, some mental illnesses like depression can be treated properly if individual gets proper care and support that they need.
    • Stereotyping is often portrayed in films and not all those stereotypes are correct. For example, not all individuals with mental illness live in psychiatric ward as portrayed in some movies. Some live normal lives with their families and care givers.

  36. Blog #3
    I think movies are a great learning tool for students because it can reinforce what one has learned and it can also be used as a visual tool. Some students are a visual learners such as myself
    Pro: Movies can help with seeing some symptoms you should look for basically what to expect from psych patients and their behaviors.
    Con: On the other hand some movies maygive misleading scenerios. Some movies setting has old buildings with people locked behind seclusion rooms with white padded walls etc, prior to going to my clinical site i was under the wrong impression of what a psych facility look like.

  37. Using movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders are very helpful. The movies give students a better understanding of what to look for in a person with a particular disorder. However, students must understand that movies may be a little more dramatic then in real life.

  38. Pros of using movies to learn about psychiatric disorders: Helps you visualize the symptoms and how they affect a person's life, learn how people cope with the disorder, gives you a full scenario of the person had no symptoms to full blown symptoms, helps you have empathy for a person with the disorder.
    Cons of using movies to learn about psychiatric disorders: It is very time consuming, sometimes its hard to follow the story line, sometimes you can miss key things that would make all the difference, and sometimes the movies are just boring and you don't learn or understand anything because you really didn't want to watch the movie in the first place.

  39. Phillip Williams Assignment #3
    Blog about the pros and cons of using Movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders

    The use of movies to help students understand psychiatric patients can have its advantages and disadvantages. Usually, movies can have violent scenes that can frighten and deter a student from pursuing a dream job in Psychiatry. Once tends to remember things learnt form movies because the scene always stands out. It is also true that you can tell the entire story of a novel you, with major details years after you've read it. So movies are an excellent way of assisting students with learning, not only those who are visual learners, but for everyone, but for a young student, it can have its setbacks.

    One advantage for the use of movies in psychiatric mental health nursing is that one is able to see the manifestations of different mental health disorders without actually being in a clinical setting. In addition, as in the case of "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest” one can compare the treatment of mental health patients in previous years to modern and new drugs and treatment form that are available now. Of course, movies can exaggerate and be scripted to portray issues in a more graphic sense and distort an actual situation especially with mental health patients to create excitement for their viewers.

  40. Blog #3
    Movies can be useful as a tool in teaching mental health because of the power of images in creating lasting impressions in peoples’ minds. Only a few students have had interaction with mentally ill and a lot go about with preset notions about what mental illness is.
    Apart from its usefulness in being able to turn around negative notions about psychiatry, it can serve as a medium for students to interact with the mentally ill. Students get to know about the concepts of the different array of mental illnesses that abound. They are helped to develop empathy. Movies can be used to elicit fear being nursed by students regarding the care or interaction with the mentally ill. Such fears can then be addressed. Movies are also a veritable tool in helping students bring in new perspectives and insights into the classroom.
    The use of movies can also be disadvantageous. An entire class time can be taken up. The length of film that can be shown is limited. A two-hour class session can only show so much. There is no way a film can adequately portray a real life situation. So students must still prepare for real life interaction with their patients.
    If used wisely, movies can be a very good tool in preparing the minds of students regarding what to expect when working in a psychiatric hospital setting.

  41. Week 3
    I am for the most part a visual learner so watching movies would be a great learning tool for me. The pro of using movies to help in learning is that it is a more relaxed setting. Also, movies may give a better picture to help you to understand the actual illness better. I also, think movies are a good idea because for the most part having mental illnesses is not a joyous experience and may be sad to not only the patient but also to family memebers that come in contact with them; through the use of movies (from the previous ones I have seen) humor is brought into the story so it doesn't appear to be a sad.
    The cons to using movies to assist with understanding psychiatric disorders is that for one you have to have first read a textbook to actually know what the disorder is and the signs and symptoms associated with it. It would be difficult to watch a movie on a schizophrenic client without not knowing at all what schizophrenia is, because movies will not actual define disorders. Another con to movies is that they usually pick the worst case scenario to portray the disorder, but in real life most cases are not that severe.

  42. Judging from my personal experience, movies, are excellent mode of teaching. I am a visual learner, so I love it when I have to watch a movie to better understand something. I wish there was a movie for every single class I have to take; that would make me the happiest person in the world. Lol….. Back to reality! I realize that all the movies I have seen to help me understand a topic sticks better than just reading a textbook or listening to someone lecture. I might forget the content of the material down the line, but I will hardly forget that Nurse Ratchet herself had a mental disorder in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s nest; just playing…. But did you all see how she wasn’t therapeutic with the client? As a matter of fact, I think she has a personality disorder. Ok, I hope you get the point that I don’t forget movies?
    For me, movies is only pros and no cons. Movies bring alive what I am reading or what am being taught. It paints the picture of the psychiatry disorder, and help me get quick understanding of the disease process. I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie ‘No Good Deeds’ with Idris Elba. But that movie helped me understand one of the characteristic of narcissist; sensitivity to criticism. Idris was very sensitive though appeared cool during his speech. Again, I don’t have any cons, but I think one of the cons people might have is the actual time it takes to watch/enjoy the movie. Some people are too busy with school, work, and family that they would rather take 2 hours of the movie time to study the required chapter.

    1. So many nursing students are visual...I wish we had more time to show whole movies like years ago...then have discussion...

  43. Week 3

    The use of movies to assist students understand psychiatric-mental health experiences, concerns and perspectives of individuals and/or families presents pros and cons that cannot be ignored.
    When we look at examples of older movies (those still in black and white), one can see behaviors, treatments and perceptions that seem harsh or worrisome, but the pro to watching those movies is that most of them show a good overall historical view of what mentally ill patients experienced. The con on the other hand is that those movies may show the mentally ill patients in their crisis state which then gives the impression that that is the typical behavior they present with and result in students having their guard up before even getting to know the patient.

    More recent movies at times show psychiatric-mental health experiences that are more realistic because a lot of movie makes actually or often consult with the medical field on what they try show in their movies which could be seen as a pro of using movies.

    Documentaries, which seem to be more objective and often show the mentally-ill patients seem to be the most beneficial for students because most of them actually have interviews with the patients, at times show their living situations and daily struggles and that shows more of a realistic view of psychiatric-mental health experiences, concerns and perspectives of individuals and/or families.

    1. Great commentary...I hate when patients are stigmatized and made fun of....it is so important to make this real and promote mental health services as being as important as medical services

    2. Ibukun,

      Interesting piece. Indeed, I do agree with the idea of an objective documentary, but I believe, that documentaries can be biased as well. Filming can be done when the patient is at the worst crisis stage, then making it seem as norm for the patient. What do you think?

  44. Week #3:
    The pros of using movies to assist students with understanding of the psychiatric-mental health experiences, concerns and perspectives of individuals and/or families. I think the movies help the students to actually experience the abstract feelings which might go untouched in regular classroom teaching. Some of the intangible areas like caregiver burden, issues of confidentiality, the transference, counter transference and resistance can be effectively taught through the use of movies. Moreover, the viewer may identify with movie characters at different levels enhancing the empathetic concern as well. Such teaching intervention of using films as a teaching tool will be successfully done in teaching mental health to the students. The cons of using movies to assist student with understanding of psychiatric mental health could be sometimes for some students the movies are not watched superficially rather it leaves a deeper emotional impact.

    1. Thanks for your views...if done correctly, movies can emphasize key behaviors.

  45. Week 3
    Different people have different ways through which effective learning can be acquired. I am actually a visual leaner and as such information, documentary or demonstration that draws my attention is easily understood and can be remembered for a long time. With that being said, the pros about using movies to understand psychiatric disorders are 1. It helps students to easily remember the scenario of the movie. That is visual learners like I, learn best through demonstration and acting out the topic at hand. 2. It is also good using movies to understand mental disorder because students actually get to witness a person acting out the symptoms of the disorder. This helps one to easily recall. 3. It is more entertaining. Reading the book is okay but not as equally fun as watching the movie to understand a certain disorder. The cons however are 1. The movie might not be too accurate. 2. Also sometime it is quite difficult to find the movies needed for that particular disorder. 3. Movies are mostly based on other people’s opinions and may not be factual.

    1. I like movies too for this purpose. You are spot on with your list of cons.

  46. Using movies to assist students to understand psychiatric mental health experience is helpful in so many ways because some students are visual learners and that will enable them to understand more about psychiatric mental health. Movies is a good way to assist student to understand the type care to render to the client, utilizing nursing process and to assess the client, planning accordingly and using the proper nursing intervention as the will watch in the movie. Through this, they will understand practically signs to watch out for specific signs they needed for nursing diagnosis. The use of a movie will attract the students attention because most of the time the class is too bored. Therefore, movie is of advantage.
    However, using of movie to assist the student in psychiatric mental illness can be of a disadvantage because most of the time, the student miss the point and just watch as if they are watching other movies without paying close attention to the salient point.

    1. Often times we are watching the movies for the enjoyment. When the use of movies are used in class, there should be clear guidelines to assist the student with identifying what is to be observed.

  47. Week 3 blog

    I love watching movies, I will rather watch a movie than read the book (I guess am kind of lazy:)). One advantage of using movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders is that it is a good educational tool because there are diverse learning styles.

    Secondly, when watching a movie, all the senses are utilized, yes, even the sense of smell and touch. Imagine, watching the screen and there is an array of mouth-watering tantalizing meals, you can perceive the aroma:). Therefore, it creates an indelible memory to the facts portrayed in the movie.

    Another advantage to using movies to assist students with understanding of psychiatric disorders is that the characters come alive sometimes vividly alive, if the producer knows what they are doing, an example is Nurse Ratchet in “One Flow over the Cuckoo’s Nest”.

    There are cons to using movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders. One disadvantage is the wrong portrayal of people with psychiatric disorders. There might be over-dramatization aimed at gaining the viewer’s interest to increase the movies' ratings.

    Secondly, the movies are most often way off from the original which is the book, plots or storylines are taken off or added.

    Furthermore, there will be students that do not like watching movies or have the time to do that.

    1. Nurse Ratched did the practice of PMH nursing horribly wrong...we got stigmatized

  48. Week 3
    The pro of using movies the mental health is it enhances students understanding of the disorders by giving them a visual reference of how the disorders presents. It might be difficult otherwise for a student without prior experience with mentally ill individuals to visualize the signs and symptoms of the disorder. On the other hand, a con of using movies in the classroom is that movies tend to be exaggerated. The signs, symptoms and circumstances surrounding mental illness may be overly or even under empathized and tend not to represent reality and may be misleading to students. Another con of using movies is that movies are told from the point of view of the director/writer and are generally created with biases. This prevents to student from forming an honest opinion on mental illness.

    1. Movies need to come with a disclaimer...read the DSM V

  49. The movies I have seen so far have helped me understand psychiatric disorders. Silver lining playbook is my favorite so far; Bradley cooper(pat) and Jennifer Lawrence (Tiffany) gave me the definition of Bipolar and Mania. I loved how their good days where high functioning and their bad days were portrayed in the least violent way possible, expect for the fight that Pat and his dad had, it made feel comfortable working with bipolor clients.

    The cons on the other had for the example "one Flew over the cuckoo's Nest". was horrible. I cried watching that movie because of how low functioning they made the characters. Even when they had the opportunity to elope, the was so much fear because of the type of treatment they recieved.

    1. Silver lining playbook is the best...I loved the book too. There are discussion questions to go with the book...maybe I will add this to my list of bonus activities next year.

  50. Blog about the pros and cons of using Movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders.

    Movies in general to me are learning tools both in academic and in social life. Movies will illustrates mental illness in ways it will entertain as well as educate the mind of the people. However, in academics and for psychiatric students, it enhances their perspectives on mental illness especially for those with no experience or little knowledge about mental illness. Movies help the student develop sympathy towards the mentally ill and also remove, if any, possible social stereotype they may have had after gaining an insight on psychiatric disorders.
    Also, movies provides an opportunity for an open class discussion on facts not well understood about psychiatric disorders and for students who are both visual and auditory learners, it provides an opportunity for elaborate understanding and recall. For example, the “Snake pit” illustrated what to expect from a patient with schizophrenia and when faced with an actual patient, it spores up a recall on what to expect and further develop a better plan of care.
    These, however are not without cons though limited. One of such is deception. Movies can either over exaggerate or under exaggerate scenarios, hence giving a false depiction about psychiatric disorders especially to a novice on mental disorder. Another disadvantage with using movie for understanding psychiatric disorder is that for a non-visual learner, this might be a waste of time. The aim of a better understanding of mental disorder would not have been achieved. Movies are also culturally written and acted; hence, differences may exist between the cultures in the movie versus the culture in which the learning takes place.

    1. Its so important to consider the student's style of learning. You are stop on about the bias related to culture in the presentation of movies.

  51. I believe that movies are a different, yet great tool to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders. Movies give students a visual representation of what certain mental illnesses or behaviors, which they may have not been able to see in lecture or by studying the textbook. As a visual learner myself, it allows me to see a situation as a whole and allows me to be in the shoes of the client as well. Another pro to the use of movies is that it gives students a relaxed environment compared to the repeated and stressful note-taking and lectures they have each day, which I believe aids in helping to become a better learner. On the other hand, movies may have several negative consequences as well. For example, even though some movies try to convey mental illness, depictions may be distorted or not true to the nature of the illness, which gives students a false expectation. In addition, once a student views a movie depicting a mental illness, it is hard for them to imagine other portrayals of the illness, as many clients illustrate different manifestations. Also, interventions that may be depicted in a movie may not coincide with current nursing interventions used, and thus gives students false understanding once again. Regardless of the pros and cons, I believe that all types of learning – visual or non-visual- can aid students, however it is up to the students to validate the information that is given to them.

    1. Good balance of pros and cons. Movies are suppose to have advisors to help with the realism. Hollywood does take political license to dramatize mental illness for entertainment. Faculty can assist students by identify classic symptoms.

  52. Week 3 blog
    Movies are a great tool for learning especially in a course like mental health because often times fewer students have had little or any interaction with mentally ill individuals. Hence, movies bring to life the ordeals of this population and helps student picture or have a feel of all the abstract things the text book is talking about. Moreover, it also helps student retain and recall the information better. For example, the first movie we watched even before class started “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” helped shape my understanding and interest in mental health and mental hospitalization even before attending a class because I have never had any encounter with this population before and I believe other student felt like that as well. Secondly, movies helps students especially me to assimilate the content faster and at the same time relaxing with friends, classmates or family members.
    On the other hand, movies as a learning tool can also be time consuming to watch and often more dramatic than real life situations and thus may create a wrong impression of psychiatric mental health nursing. Secondly, for students that are not visual learners, they may look at watching movie as a waste of the time and very boring.
    To this end, I think it is important to consider students learning styles before the decision to use movies as a teaching aid or not because people have different learning styles.

    1. Learning styles of the students are a major consideration. Movies can be helpful or distracting. Strategies for teaching learning most be global to reach the greater good.

  53. PROS:
    Movies are a great way to introduce material. Some people are visual learners and movies can help them grasp and retain information. Movies can help people visualize the disorders that they learned about and actually see them on a person. Movies can capture and keep the interest of a person better than a book can. If someone is uncertain of a certain disorder a movie can help them enhance their knowledge on the topic. Lastly movies give the learner the option to rewind if they need to or watch repeatedly in order to gain a better understanding of the content.

    One con of using movies is time. As a student I do not have the time to incorporate a movie into my studying. Also movies sometimes inappropriately portray a disorder or over exaggerate the symptoms which can result in the student not accurately being able to recognize the disorder. Movies can give students the wrong impression about psych disorders. Personally, I have watched Freddy Vs Jason (I know its not a psych movie), however in the movie the patients were all in white scrubs walking around like zombies. A lot of other movies such as Alice depict mental institution in the same manner. For a while that was the only idea I had for how mental patients and institutions functioned. Surprisingly BCRI was nothing like what I expected. It was actually the total opposite of what I saw in movies. So movies can give people the wrong idea and if they never saw one personally they will be forever misinformed!

    1. Amber, movies can and do stigmatize those with mental illnesses. As an advocate, I have engaged in writing campaigns to shut down tv shows that have done just that. As nurses, our voices are millions, we can make a difference by boycotting movies that disrespect, marginalize and stigmatize those with mental illness.

  54. I think that movies are a great way to get students engaged in the topic that is being learned. Every student learns, understands, and interprets material differently. Speaking as a visual learner myself, this is a way for visual learners to have a visual aid that can prepare us for what to recognize and respond to. Movies can be a great way to help students to keep a constant visual of the particular psychiatric disorder the patient has, so that they can have a better correlate the signs and symptoms with a specific disorder. It is obvious to say that I would 9 times out of 10, prefer to watch anything related to the topic that I’m learning than a lecture.
    Cons - Sometimes teachers/professors can show movies, videos, visuals, etc. that may not necessarily connect to the topic being learned:
    • Can cause students to lose sight of the education within the movie, and can distracted.
    • May not meet the needs for those individuals who are auditory or kinesthetic learners.
    • The movie may not be an accurate account of the psychiatric disorder, or mental health as a whole.
    • Having a visual aid can most certainly extend the learning beyond lecture or the textbook.
    • A movie can create interest in a topic that is being learned while giving a break away from normal lecture.
    • Meets the need of additional learning strategies for those who are visual learners.

    1. There are whole courses that show movies or require students to view the movies prior to class. The class time is then structured about discussion about the disorders. The problem is most students don't seek out the movies if its not in REDBOX or on Netflicks.

  55. Blog about the pros and cons of using movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders.
    The pros involved with using movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders is that it allows the student to have a visual representation of what was difficult to imagine or understand from the textbook alone. Many people have heard of schizophrenia and may have even seen someone in society demonstrating some of the traits, such as having a conversation over their shoulder. Yet, other conditions, are not as commonly seen within society, and movies help to give the student a visual representation of what the textbooks describe. Another pro is the potential for the student to view possible challenges and realities that the mental health client experiences in their lives. This is helpful since the textbook may not describe these realities, and if so, it is done in written text. The movie portrays the same information in an in-color, moving presentation.

    The cons involved with using movies is the fact that the individuals in the movies are at best actors and actresses. As such, viewers are not receiving a “true” representation of how the particular psychiatric-mental health patient presents. Not only so, but depending on the plot of the moving, the client’s presentation may be altered (whether enhanced or diminished from reality). Movies are also made for entertainment. The intent to entertain the viewer may also affect how the mental health client is portrayed. Therefore, there are definitely pros and cons involved in the use of movies to help students understand psychiatric mental health disorders. The student must view these movies with the understanding that what they are watching is only a movie and not intended to be a true representation of reality.

    1. I like your comment about the "best actors & actresses." Would students have view Frankie & Alice (dissociative disorder) if Halle Berry was not the star? Movies can make the text come to life if presented in a realistic and accurate manner.

  56. Blog about the pros and cons of using Movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders.

    I do not mean to appear biased but to me, the pros of using movies supersede the cons. I think movies are an enjoyable and captivating way to illustrate psychiatric disorders, and they help students with recall. Students are able to relate the events in the movie to theoretical aspects in the classroom setting. For instance, the two movies we watched early in this course, Snake Pit and One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, are still etched in my memory. When learning about the stereotypes lay people have regarding the nursing image, for instance, I can relate to the one of the nurse being viewed as a battle axe, as exemplified by Nurse Ratched in One Flew over the Cuckoos’ Nest. In the same movie, one is able to visualize the symptoms of antisocial personality disorder as exemplified by the very manipulative protagonist, McMurphy, and relate the same to classroom learning. The movies should, of course, not be used in lieu of classroom teaching but rather, they should complement the latter. In my opinion, if there are any cons, they have to do with depiction of graphic scenes, which can make the viewer very sad. For instance, I did not like the manner in which McMurphy met his ending; by suffocating McMurphy to death, Chief Bromden might have thought he was doing him a favor, to save him from a lifetime of vegetation, but it was nevertheless a very sad and depressing ending. I also felt temporarily traumatized by the strangulation of Nurse Ratched by McMurphy, especially in the bleak atmosphere of that mental health institution.

    1. You hit the nail on the head, movies should complement the lecture and I add spark discussion among students. Movies make powerful impressions that is true. Accuracy is most important so that students do not take away miss information.

  57. I feel that using movies are great to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders especially for the visual learner. Movies allow students to put the textbook into perspective; they can see the clinical manifestations in the characters as the actors/actresses act out the role. I also feel that movies provide a relaxing learning environment. I would much rather watch a movie about a mental disorder than sit through a lecture for hours and take notes. There are some cons to movies. Sometimes movies can be long, and boring. If it does not hold the students attention, or takes too long to get to the point, the message may be missed. Also, movies can be biased because it depicts what the director thinks about the disorder. I’ve seen plenty of psychiatric movies, and what I’ve experienced in the real world is nothing like the movies. The movie may not display what is right based on what literature and textbooks say; the student will be responsible for deciding what to take from the movie and what to leave behind.

    1. Great insight...students are held accountable for recognizing bias and deciding what to take from the movie.

  58. Watching movie is always fun and I love watching movies. I think movies are the best ways for students to understand not only psychiatric disorders but any type of learning. Especially psychiatric disorders are very interesting to watch through movies, because they are different and unexpected than other movies. By looking at the people act, picture of the story will fix in mind for long term. I still can remember the short story of Herschel walker who suffered from dissociative identity disorder. I would remember him whenever there was a question about that disorder in exam and tried to remember his story and it helped me a lot. And I really wished to watch more videos like that which was based on true stories. As most of the student I am a visual learner and I can learn faster by watching movies than lecture or studying. Psychiatric disorder movies are scary and violent most of the time so the con of watching movies is that it’s in your head all the time and can stress people. Another con is that the movies have over drama most of the time for example; it will add up the all the sign and symptoms and it over exaggerate the story which is not true, makes student confused about the disorder. In conclusion, watching movie to understand psychiatric disorder is very helpful

    1. Please take advantage of movies that promote a positive spin on mental health and provide students with a greater understanding of signs and symptoms.

    Blog about the pros and cons of using Movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders. I personally think that the used of movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders is a brilliant idea. Even though the idea of watching a movie may seem like entertainment, but it brings excitement to learning. The psychiatric movies we have watched in the pass helped me to understand mental health. However, students should not glue themselves on watching movies as their learning tool and abandon reading. Over all I really think that movies are good for visual learners

  60. Pros of using movie to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders:
    • Appeals to different styles of learning
    • Allows learning beyond the textbook
    Movies can help students view a psychiatric disorder from a different perspective which can increase understanding.
    • Increases interest in a topic
    Movies can help get a better “feel” for what a disorder is like
    • Studies show that when students read text and watch a movie the factual information is better retained
    Cons of using movies:
    • Movies can falsely depict a disorder
    • Some information in movies may not be factual
    Most often movies do not contain 100% factual information
    • Some students may use the movie as the sole means of learning about a disorder

  61. As a student I think that there are many pros as well as some cons when using movies to understand psychiatric disorders. For the pros: I think it gives us a good picture of how people with certain disorders function and deal with their symptoms. For example in a beautiful mind, which is one of my favorites, you can see the main character throughout the movie struggle with his hallucinations and delusions and you also get a glimpse as to how people usually respond to people with psychiatric disorders. I think this movie helps us as viewers understand schizophrenia and how much it can affect a person’s life. Secondly in the movie Fight Club we get a good picture of what it might be like to have multiple personality disorder and how real each persona can seem to the individual they inhabit. My last favorite would have to be Silverlinings playbook, I think us as viewers can see the struggles of living with bipolar and we can see how it affects their families even though they are not intentionally trying to cause them pain and suffering.
    Although there are several pros to watching movies to help us understand psychiatric conditions, I think the biggest con would be: they can make the viewers believe that all patients with the disorders depicted will be just like they are in the movies. Whereas in real life they could either be more extreme or more toned down. I think that movies can sometimes add to the stigma attached to a mental health condition and set up stereotypes in which patients may be put in by people who have watched a movie and formed an opinion about the client ahead of time.

    1. You have cited some really good examples for reasons for use of movies to enhance learning. Your argument is similar to Dorian's, students really do have to decide what the take away message is.

  62. Using movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders can be very useful because it gives the student an opportunity to visualize what is read in the textbook or explained in lecture. It is also entertaining and captures an individual’s attention. Watching a movie is much more interesting and fun in comparison to reading a textbook. Movies can also be a con, however, because it demonstrates a reenactment and sometimes reenactments cannot compare to real life situations. Therefore, the student may develop a fantasy-like perception of psychiatric disorders and be set for a rude awakening when the real life situation is much more major than what was seen in the movie.

    1. What reading the textbook is not fun? (lol) Sometimes the movies can give the visual learner the wrong perception about mental health.

  63. Movies are meant to engage the human brain in a way that reading or lecturing just can’t capture. In this way, movies can be a valuable tool in captivating one’s attention in observing and deciphering whatever is portrayed. If the the content of the movie is accurate and well portrayed, then it is a major pro is assisting students better understand the psychiatric disorder.

    On the other hand, if the movie is biased, or based on fiction that deters from the true nature of the psychiatric disorder, then it can be very misleading.

    Overall, the movies that we’ve had to watch for class thus far have been of great aid to helping me understand the psychiatric disorders portrayed

    1. Thanks for validating the movies you watched for class as being helpful. There is always some bias in mental health theme movies. When used for educational purposes, its important to remember it is just a movie.

  64. Although trying to find a copy of SnakePit took forever, I thoroughly enjoyed watching that and Cuckoo, to get us started for the semester. It was a good way for students to get an idea of the types of clients we may be dealing with this semester.
    Using movies to supplement learning in mental health nursing is a great idea, as long as faculty has approved it. Some movies can be extremely over the top and exaggerated and help add to the negative stigma that already surrounds mental health patients. Usually when you see a “crazy” person portrayed on TV they are screaming, fighting, hallucinating and paranoid times 10. Since this was all I have seen that is what I expected to see in my facility and added to my apprehension, luckily I haven’t seen anything remotely close to that.
    Movies are a great tool. Sometimes just reading a textbook isn’t enough, it’s helpful to see what you have read come to life. When I study for most of my classes I supplement my learning with YouTube videos. When I first studied diabetes I had no clue of how the pathophysiology worked, until I looked it up on YouTube and watched an animation and then it all made sense.
    The only con I can see coming from using movies in learning is like I said earlier, if the movie is not accurate in its depiction of mental health patients.

    1. You Tube is the nursing students best friend, and faculty too...You have to make sure the presentations are accurate. Movies do help to supplement our understanding of the human experience. I suggest you watch August Osage County...its powerful family drama...there is a little bit of everything mental health in this movie.

  65. November 7, 2014

    Blog 3
    I think movies are a wonderful way for students to learn psychiatric disorders because whenever, they think of a specific disorder, the character will come to mind. It’s hard to forget a good movie, or a good portrayal. Here are some more pros.
    • Depending on the year the movie was made, the student can see the difference in care or the difference in Hollywood’s portrayal of mental health care.
    • The student can see a patient with a “disorder” that they may not have seen in clinical.
    • If a student does not feel ready for clinical, she or he could watch a movie to prepare.
    A movie can only be beneficial for the student if the disorders are portrayed accurately. Many times in movies, directors take creative liberties with them. Some cons movies have are:
    • The movies may be based of off stigma and not truth. No true psychiatric health care worker was consulted during the writing and directing of the film.
    • The disorder may be portrayed inaccurately
    • The film may embody the times it was made and may not hold true for todays new standards for mental health.
    • Movie goers may take the inaccurate movie at face values, and they may be people that students as future nurses have to deal with as patients’ families.

    1. You have summarized well. It is hard to forget a good movie. Case in point, For Colored Girls (Tyler Perry production)...the lives of the women (violence, heartbreak, depression, anger, aggression, histrionics).

  66. Week Three
    Some of the cons of when students watch movies about mental health nursing are they usually go into the clinical experience believing the stigmas and stereotypes associated with mental health nursing.They think that there will be an old "battleaxe" nurse like Nurse Ratched in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest. When I heard that there was a girls cottage at RICA, I automatically envisioned it would be like "Girl interrupted". I also thought that the clients would line up at the window of the nursing station to get their pills in a little white cup and the client's symptoms would be noticeable. None of these things were true. These thoughts by students could rob them of their clinical experience because they will not go in with an open mind because they already have preconceived notions of what the psych experience will or should be like. Watching movies to get a general sense of what it is like on a psych unit (to get a point of reference) or to see how a milieu looks and the open floor plan of a milieu is a good idea because those things are generally the same in all psych units. Some pros oh having students watch movies about psychiatric nursing to see symptoms acted out. It's very different watching "Girl Interrupted" (on of my favorite movies) and seeing that Susanna(Winona Ryder) had borderline personality disorder and seeing it acted out. Usually by the time students have the chance to meet patients with certain disorders, they have already been medicated so the symptoms are not really noticeable.

    1. We call the cottage lovely Girls interrupted...there are units where patients still line up to get their meds like at Spring Grove. After viewing movies with mental health themes, it is important to keep an open mind.

  67. Week Three
    There are various pros and cons about watching movies for mental health. Some pros about watching movies in psych would be that if you haven't seen certain disorders acted out most movies will paint a clear picture of how the disorder looks. Also movies bring mental health to reality and prepare students for what they may experience in the clinical setting. Movies are great for setting how the nurse and client relationship is and certain things the nurse should or should not do in practice. Most times visual learners will better grasp the concepts conveyed in movies and understand the disorders better than reading it from a book. Some cons of watching movies are that it's not always as graphic as a mental health ward may be in real life, the movies kind of clean up the psych setting a little bit. Another con is that the movies sometimes present a false picture of what the mental health facilities look like. When going to my clinical I expected to see it setup kind of like a mini hotel and clean and bright, however it was more like a small elementary school in my view and it was kind of dreary looking.

    1. Actually Spring Grove does remind me of an older school building, like the gym. Visual learners will be engaged and will remember key scenes. Its important for educational purposes that the movie meets course objectives.

  68. Week Three
    The pro and of using movies to assist students with understanding of the psychiatric-mental health experiences is an excellent learning tool for a visual and also entertaining, for everyone overall. The case study movies we watch for our assignment “The Snake Pit” and “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” was very informative, that I ordered them from Amazon and had my kids watched them, I was surprised how much they enjoyed it and had their own discussion among themselves.
    The Cons of using movies to assist student? The movie may not go into detail of the psychiatric mental health issue, due to the period of the filming. Students must bear in mind they also have to research other resources.

    1. How novel, family watching...this is a good time to have conversations about mental health. Kids are so insightful and so accepting of others perceived as different.

  69. Using movies as a aid in teaching I believe is a great resource. I believe it helps to bridge a gap between what material was read and understanding that material. I am a visual and tactile learner so movies have been a great assistance for me. Lets take One Who Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest for example. It really helped me understand the role of the nurse as the group leader in laying down rules and bringing order to the group session along with letting the group handle certain situations amongst each other once they have reached that point.

    1. Now that was a great seen to set the stage for group. As the nurse leader, you have to set the ground rules. You will get a chance to implement this in clinical

  70. One of the cons is for those that may not be visual learners movies may not be helpful to them at all.

  71. I think that whether or not movies are a good way to understand psychiatric disorders depends on the type of learner a person is. I am a visual learner so I can personally say that after the lectures we've had, when I watch a movie regarding mental illness I'm able to make sense of whats going on. The con is that movies are fiction the majority of the time so you can't depend on the information in them to be accurate. The student should take the iniciative to refer to the textbook or the professor for correct information.

    1. The visual learners truly absorb more from movies then textbooks.

  72. Pros to using movies to assist in learning about the experiences is that we as nursing student and new nurses will be able to view the experiences prior to going on the floor, which gives us a glimpse of what we possibly might have to deal with. The cons is that in most movies they are overly dramatic about the characteristics of patients with mental health disorders. Also most movies portray the psychiatric ward as a " scary" environment which may not always be the case. Movies can leave a bad stigma for both the nurse and patient, especially the patient which cause them to possibly receive inadequate care and treatment.

  73. Do you think see the movies, set you as a new nurse up? Meaning, does it raise your anxiety level? Would it be a deterrent for choosing mental health nursing as a profession...Just some questions. Thanks for sharing

  74. Week 3

    I think there are many pros to looking at mental health movies because it help give us students to get a idea about what we may face working in the mental department. Another pro to watching mental health movies is that is show how a person really can be normal like me one day and flip the next day. The mental health movies basically let me know mental health is real. One of the cons about watching mental health movies is that something the movie can be over exaggerated. I think sometimes the producers make things a little worst then you will see in real life to help sell their movies. That’s the only cons I can say about mental health movies. But I really do enjoy them because sometimes I learn better by seeing something compose to just reading it

    1. If you read the postings of your class, most are in agreement with you. Movies seem to be a hit. What is the miss is the inaccuracies to make mental illness something to be hidden or ashamed of. Thanks for sharing

  75. The Pros and Cons of using Movies to Assist Student Understand Psychiatric-mental Health Issues

    There is no mistaking the fact that the advent of Information Technology (IT) has revolutionized the educational sector, particularly the aspect that concerns teaching and learning. In the same vain, the use of Movies to expound the knowledge of nursing students about psychiatric and mental health has also witnessed tremendous revitalization and improvement. According to Wedding, Boyd, and Niemiec (2010), “films are a powerful medium for teaching students (in psychology, social work, medicine, nursing, and counseling), engaging patients, and educating the public about the fascinating world of psychopathology.” The statement of Wedding, Boyd, and Niemiec implies that Movies are very crucial to the ability of mental health nurses to have a very good understanding of the nature and behaviors of mentally challenged individuals, and to also have a handle on the key principles and concepts of mental health nursing as a whole.

    A major advantage of Movies in mental health is that it affords student nurses the opportunities to be prepared ahead of time for what to expect at the mental health facility before they actually have a nurse-client encounter with mental health patients in clinical setting. The use of Movies in this wise and as a teaching tool in NURS 432 actually came in handy and enhanced my learning during the didactic portion of this course.
    By viewing different movies that depict different aspect of mental health, students are better able to appreciate how peculiar and sophisticated mental health nursing is, how the field has evolved over the years, and the sacrosanct nature of mental health nursing skills to the ability of nurses to provide therapeutic nursing intervention to mental health patients. Movies also serve as tools of reference that enables students to better understand themselves and clarify their own emotional feelings as it relates to mental health and mentally challenged individuals. Students who watches nurse Ratched in “One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest” will definitely want to clarify their own feeling as it relates to mental health and working with mental health individuals before actually being assigned to work with one.

    One major disadvantage of Movies in mental health nursing is that they tend to present events as having occurred in utopia. In this way students are unable to grasp the full understanding of how challenging and sometimes daunting it can be to work with a violent bipolar patient or an individual who is schizophrenic and at the same time paranoid. Another down side of Movies in mental health education is that some of them are unrealistic. They tend to portray the image that mental health issues can be solved with a universal ideal method or approach. However, each mental health case is addressed based on the specifics that are presented by the mental health individual. Since acting a script or watching an act as displayed by a mentally ill individual is not the same as practically experiencing a violent mental health behavior. Thus, Movies tend to make students underestimate an actual crisis situation in mental health.


    Wedding, D., Boyd, M.A., & Niemiec, R. M. (2010). Movies and Mental Illness: Using Movies to Understand Psychopathology (3rd ed.). Retrieved from http:/www.hogrefe.com/program/media/flyingbooks/600371/files/600371.pdf

  76. Excellent post, Joshua and referenced to boot. The authors pointed out clear, concise validation for the use of movies in the classroom to understand the psychopathology of our clients. Another advantage of movies that portray mental illness with accuracy is that most patients in inpatient units are medicated those students do not actually get to see the origins of the illness.,

  77. Mental health movies are often like going to the zoo. They can be wonderful but you go with the normal person surrogate and together you view the person with mental illness. You see the disease from the outside in, and it does a disservice to our ability to empathize and understand. If we saw the world the way the people who suffer see it, we would understand them differently. Showing psychiatric movies in class is not a bad idea but it those not show the reality about what a mental ill person is really experiencing in real life. Psychiatric movies are mostly base on fiction, theories, assumption with special effects and they are not base on phenomenological experience. Showing psychiatric movie in class help the student to have a basic understanding how to interact with a mentally ill patient and their behaviors. On the side, students might have a negative feeling and fair of being around a mentally ill patient due to their perception of the movies. Am a visual leaner, I love movies but no matter how they look they are fictions and entertainment the real world is out there with the patient that is experiencing their disorder.

    1. Thanks for sharing...it appears that many of your class are visual learners...

  78. Using movies as a learning tool for students to understand psychiatric disorders is good for visual learners. Although movie time for some people can be fun and exciting, it also has some disadvantages associated with it.
    Pros: For visual learners, it helps them to see and have a better understanding of how the psychiatric disorder affects the patients involved in the movies. It helps people to learn in a comfortable environment not necessarily in the classroom with the teacher. I think it creates a mental picture of worded scenarios that helps students to remember very quickly.
    Cons: the message of the movie may be misunderstood. It is not everyone that is a visual learner; some people may find it difficult to comprehend and may be confused.

    1. A comfortable environment (with popcorn, of course)...I do agree that the take away message from movies with mental health/illness themes can be misleading and give the wrong impression.

    Blog about the pros and cons of using Movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders

    o One of my favor movies of all time is Girl Interrupted.

    o In the movie one of the main characters, Susanna, is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and undifferentiated schizophrenia. We watch her struggle between thoughts in her mind of being sane or insane, rational or irrational, “What world is this? How much will you indulge in your flaws? What are your flaws? Are they flaws? If you embrace them will you commit yourself to hospital life? Big questions, big decisions” says the psychiatrist. Susanna is ambivalent and professes carelessness about her decisions. We see her experience strong feelings that are often in opposition.

    o The other main character, Lisa, is diagnosed as a psychopath/ antisocial personality disorder. She is manipulative, impulsive, cold-hearted, and combative, often erupts in anger, and disrupts the unit and cause chaos amongst the other patients. It seems that many of the patients want to be around her and desire her friendship however; they also seem to fear her. In one scene Lisa verbally attacks a former patient by pressing her buttons so badly that the patient hangs herself. Lisa then responses to the hanging saying “Oh what an idiot”. She shows no remorse and is even seen smirking. She approaches the body and takes all the cash from the victim’s pockets.

    o I feel that movies are an excellent tool to help students understand psychiatric disorders. Movies bring life to the words in the text book and often leave a lasting image in your mind. It is also helpful to see how the nurses and healthcare staff respond to each patient based on their diagnosis. Students can determine from these interactions whether or not the communication is therapeutic which can in turn help them navigate through their own clinical experiences.

    1. Movies do bring life...would students have the same excitement about simulation?

  80. Movies give you a great visual of what goes on behind the doors of a mental health facility. Most of depictions are true. For instance the pacing. When I watched Snake Pit I noticed how they all paced and when I got to Spring Grove I observed the pacing of the clients. Movies are a great way for visual learner's to learn. You have to use your common sense to believe what is real and what is not. Remember this is the movie maker opinion. Some things will be exaggerated.

    1. Great observation and comparison between the fictional characters in Snake Pit and clinical. Its amazing that behaviors don't change much. Guess that is why psych RNs can continue to do a two step.

  81. I believe there are many pros and cons for using movies for students to understand mental health disorders. I believe movies are an awesome tool for visual learners to see different mental health disorders played out on screen. Since I am a visual learner I enjoy watching movies to learn about mental health disorders. I think the movies provide an entertaining and engaging experience for students to use as a tool to learn many aspects of mental health disorders. I think the con of using movies to understand mental health disorders is it takes away the reality and up close and personal of learning about mental health. It may also be misleading in the outcomes of different mental health disorders that may not be realistic.

    1. Are you aware of the flipped classroom concept? How would you feel if the course was redesign to require students to watch one movie per week and then be presented with nursing process? Just a thought!


  82. The use of movies to assist students in understanding psychiatric mental health experience is helpful in that it recalls the historical views of mental health illness, societal perception of the illness, its treatment and the clients. Movies will also help the students who are visual learners like me. It also prevents the usual classroom boredom generated by long hours of teaching. Not only that, movies provide clear and observable situations, thoughts and experiences of mental health clients thereby enhancing better understanding of mental illness.
    On the other hand, the “cons” of using movies to assist students understand psychiatric disorder is that students may not pay close attention to important scenes.
    Also, there is no opportunity for students to ask questions or ask for clarifications of ambiguous scenes while showing the movies.
    Moreover, movies may wrongly present mental health crisis situation as a typical behavior of the mental health clients. Movies may leave a lasting negative emotional impact on students.
    In conclusion, movie serves as a good teaching and presentation tool for current and incoming generation of students and researchers.

    1. Great con...no opportunity for students to ask questions and get feedback in real time....what would you suggest to make this possible?

  83. Week #3: Blog about the pros and cons of using Movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders.

    Personally, watching of the two required movies (The Snake Pit and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) at the beginning of this semesters really prepared me for the class. It made me to have an idea of how a mental health hospital operates as per the rules, process of admission, therapeutic group discussions, how the nurses administer medications, how ECT is done and much more. In addition, by watching mental health movies, students will be able to see individuals with different mental health disorders. For instance, in the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", featured different characters with different mental health disorders. Another advantage is that watching movie is more interesting compared to reading about a particular disorder in the textbook which might be a little bit boring. The disadvantage of watching a mental health movie is that the movie can never give details about a particular disorder which can make the viewer/student to make assumptions. Therefore, the student must take time to read more about the disorder in the textbook.

    1. I guess the movies provided you with a sneak peak to potential mental disorders

  84. Week 3
    I think movies are a great learning tool for students because it can reinforce what one has learned and it can also be used as a visual tool. Some students are a visual learners such as myself.
    The pros to watching movies to aid in learning about psychiatric disorders is the fact that they are readily available. Another pro is that, depending on the time in which the movie was made, it may reflect the treatments used for psychiatric patients. The movies do give a background for those who have no idea what they are walking into. A con is that they may exaggerate what the disorder really entails. Movies also may not reflect the true treatment used for certain disorders. Another con is that the movie may not correctly portray the psychiatric disorder and may alter the student's perception of the mental disorder.

    1. I like looking at movies across the decades to see the progression of mental health treatment when its accurate.

  85. Week 3

    Pros and cons to using movies to help assist students:

    Some students are visual learners and often times need to see a physical clinical picture to get a good idea of the type of clients they may come in contact with on the unit. Movies provide a standard depiction of a normal milieu unit, which would be good for students to view to understand how the set-up differs from emergency care hospitals. Movies can also give the viewer a small sense as to how society views people with mental illnesses, being that the movie characters often come from the writers prospective or personal experiences.

    The previous pro could also be seen as a con because psychiatric clients can easily be stereotyped by the writers bias causing some conditions to be pictured as too extreme or rarely true in real life instances. These client conditions and even nursing attitudes could be heavily over exaggerated, to also support bias of the writer. Another con would be the fact that a lot of movies are outdated and may not provide a more modern view of the psychiatric hospitals of today's era that students would need to see.

    1. Your comment about how society views those with mental health is spot on. I wonder if the writers are reflecting societal views or their own on time.

  86. Blog about the pros and cons of using Movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders
    There are several movies out there that portray mental health disorders, fortunately and unfortunately this comes with its own set of goods and evils. Some of the pros of movies and tv centering around Mental health is that they can provide great insight into the topic. Actors are great at their job and sometimes have that particular attribute in real life. I believe it was Christen Bale who was in the move American Psycho and he himself has been said to have a little cluster B about him. In the movie he plays a guy who thinks that he is top you know what and then kills just because he thinks he can get away with it. More Pros are that these movies or shows give the view a glimpse into that uncle that just seemed to be a bit off.
    Cons to these ventures is that everyone thinks that they are a doctor and will diagnose others and worst of all themselves. When people find out that I am a nursing student they assume that all nurses have substance abuse problems or sleep with the Attendings. The general public in my opinion cannot handle just watching and enjoying films, they must make them part of their reality and mimic actions and personalities on screen. The increase of individuals acting out their anger on others today is at an all-time high, yet with the ability to get treatment being better than ever we turn a blind eye to our loved ones because we say that these people only exist in film.

    1. Thats funny you mentioned the sleeping with attendings. I had a doctor tell me that it is trending for MD's to date the sexy nurses.

    2. Brian, that has been the history of nurses...young nurses were raped by doctors during the enlightenment period....nurses were hookers during the Sairy Gamp era...sexy nursing costumes have feed men's fantasies for ages.

    3. Greg...I never saw American Psycho but he sounds like someone with Cluster B Antisocial Personality...entitled, disregards rules...


    There are many pros and cons of using movies to assist with understanding psychiatric disorders. They are as follows:

    -Student can get a clinical picture of the patient
    -Student can see how the patient interacts with the nurse and psychiatrist and how the nurses assess the patients
    -Some movies even show the characters before treatment and as well as during treatment and note the differences and progression

    -Some movies fabricate or over exaggerate certain mental illnesses making it hard to figure out what is true apart from what is included in the movie for the viewers entertainment
    -Some of the the nursing interventions seen are unethical and sometimes even illegal
    -Movies can sometimes stigmatize mental illness and psychiatric professionals

    1. Nurses unethical and interventions illegal...oh no...not the nurse...Hollywood tends to make nurses angels or evil

  88. Week Three Blog
    Some “Pros” of movies that help students understand psychiatric disorders, would be that some students may be able to put a face or a person on the disorder. This would help the student to remember what symptoms a character is showing from their disorder, how they were treated, and make the disorder more recognizable. Another pro would be how movies show the treatment of the disorder a character may be suffering from. This would show how they were treated in a mental health facility, and what medical treatments were used to treat the disorder that the character is suffering from.
    Some “Cons” of movies that help students understand psychiatric disorders would be to give the student incorrect information on a disorder. For example, the movie “Me, Myself and Irene”. This movie had many people thinking that having Schizophrenia meant to have different personalities. Some movies can give false information about disorders. Movies could also “demonize” psychiatric disorders, and cause the public to fear anyone with that disorder.
    There may be more cons than pros in movies, unless it is a documentary. Even then, it may cause fear to the public. Which of course would cause discrimination, maltreatment, and isolation of people with psychiatric disorders because the public does not fully understand the disorder, just the parts that the movie portrayed.

    1. I do not remember seeing Me, Myself and Irene with Jim Carey. With him as a lead in the movie, you can bet the portrayal will be funny but in-accurate. The goal in mental health is to not demonize the disorders or the persons and their loved ones

  89. Using movies to teach students psychiatric disorders are helpful in my opinion. Pro to this style of teaching is that student can get a visual of the signs and symptoms that these patients display. They can also hear terminology and treatment for the patient. Some movies reveal the underlying causes of the disorder. The con to this type of teaching is dramatization of the movie by the producers. Some movies that I have watched exaggerate sign and symptoms that are usually subtle and required a professional eye to catch. Movies sometimes exploit psychiatric disorders for sales and create false realities for how the disorders present themselves.This are just some pros and cons I noticed in movies with psychiatric disorders.

    1. Thanks for sharing....Fifty shades of grey will be out in the movies...sadism and masochism is on the books for mental illness...the book sold millions and the movie will make monies...so what does that say about those who read or will go see the movies...does that make them voyeurs.

  90. Blog Week 3

    Movies in mental health have pros and cons. A pro of movies with psychiatric disorders is it can help with understanding content. It’s different from reading a textbook and actually seeing it on TV. Some people are visual learns so movies help connect the dots. A pro of movies showing psychiatric disorders is some movies are based on stereotypes. Another pro of movies in psychiatric disorders is movies can be used as a tool to learn. Some movies show ways to communicate therapeutically. Movies can be used as an example to show correct ways to communicate. Some movies are misinterpreting mental illnesses. Some movies paint psych facilities have clients who are all having unstable behavior. Strait- jackets, white uniforms, demanding nurses are false stereotypes seen form movies and other media outlets.

    1. Check out Good Will Hunting with Robin Williams...observe the "therapeutic" communication between he and Matt Damon...The Prince of Tides is another movies where you can see the therapeutic communication between the therapist and the patient...We are trying to get rid of all those stereotypes about psych RNs

  91. I think that movies are good ways to help students understand psychiatric disorders. Some pros of movies include giving students visuals in order to truely understand a disorder. Sometimes words to describe psychiatric disorders can be misconstrued and taken out of context. Furthermore, this will help some students who are more visual learners understand psychiatric disorders.

    Some cons to using movies as learning tools include the use of stereotyped movies that do not truly depict a disorder, but just make a caricature of it. It is extremely important that movies chosen about psychiatric disorders are somewhat closely linked to the literature and actuality. Another negative with movies is that students might not learn all of the clinical aspects of disorders that would be found normally in textbooks.

    While there may be pros and cons to movies I think that they can serve as an important tool in helping students understand psychiatric disorders.

    1. Movies are just for entertainment. When used as a teaching and learning aid, the clinical aspects must be pointed out so that the student does not miss the point.

  92. In my opinion using movies to help students understand psychiatric disorders is beneficial because it provides a visual of how that particular disorder can be displayed by an individual. Another benefit in using movies to understand psychiatric disorders is its ability to understand the disorder more clearly. A con in using movies to explain psychiatric disorders is the dramatic effect provided. Sometimes movies can make psychiatry appear scarier, which only supports certain stereotypes. Another con in using movies to understand psychiatric disorders is it prevents others from truly seeing the individual as a whole person. Most people label the individual as “crazy” and isolate that person from having other qualities, forgetting he/she is a person.

    1. Holism is so important to the nurse-client relationship. We treat patients holistically -mind, body and spirit. There is unbalance when you treat only on aspect of the patient. The patient with experiencing mental illness is just a person.

  93. Jasmine Davis

    Blog Three
    Some Cons in using movies to understand psychiatric disorders are:
    A. Many times movies can give stigmatisms on what psychiatric patients are like. Some movies can make psychiatric patients seem demonic and overly scary.
    B. The writers of these movies are not experts on the disorders and may portray false characteristics of these disorders.
    C. Movies do not explore the psychiatric disorder fully and then tend to exaggerate and dramatize symptoms.

    Some Pros in using movies to understand psychiatric disorders are:
    A. It allows the person watching to get rid of some anxiety regarding psychiatric patients in a less invasive way.
    B. People can learn about the illness visually in a controlled setting.
    C. Movies tend to make learning experiences more memorable than reading a text or listening to a lecture.

    1. I agree especially with Con - A.

    2. To Brian and Jasmine...this is an interesting point of view. Are we talking about catharsis?


  94. The pros to watching movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders are that a majority of the movies give a very serious and real portrayal of how intense a disease such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder would look in a worst case scenario. In my opinion, I view this as a pro because it prepares you. In certain incidences, you might possibly see this particular event occur depending on which type of mental hospital you go to, if they have a mild or severe case of the disease, or if the medications are working for the patient. I feel in a way the movies give a look into the unknown, because most times if you don't work in a psych facility, know someone personally with the disorder, or haven't been a psych patient then you don't know or understand what goes on with certain diseases. The only con to watching movies to understand psych disorders is that it can cause unnecessary fear, which perpetuates some the stereotypes that come that most psych disorders and sometimes leaves the person slightly ignorant to the real symptoms of the disease.

    1. The unknown is often a dark and scary place. RNs (and students) are often afraid to work with those with mental illness because of the unfamiliar.

  95. Movies are a powerful medium for teaching students of psychology, psychiatry, psychopathology and nursing in general. Professors and students alike sometimes prefer the use of moves over traditional lecture because of its convenience. I personally prefer watching movies over sitting through hours of rigorous lectures because it is more fun and relaxing. The use of movies to assist students in understanding psychiatric disorders both has its advantage and disadvantage.

    Pros: Movies can shed more light and insight on a particular mental health disorder through visualization. Most students are visual learners, hence seeing the disorder dramatized will help in memory retention and recall. Sometimes students study their textbooks but fail to do well in exams. In most cases, the cause of this is that they did not really understand the content but simply memorized aka crammed the content, which makes it difficult for them to apply the concept. Movies takes out the guess work and high lights the key concepts through dramatization, comedy or even violence.

    Cons: Media’s damaging depictions of mental health can rub off on students if movies are utilized as a teaching agent. Mental health movies typically over-exaggerates, misinterprets or simply down right wrongfully portrays mental disorders. This can lead to subtle stereotypes which can cause prejudices to set in, thereby negatively affecting the quality of care the student will give to a patient.

    1. Great insight (or rationalization) to why students fail exams. Movies can and do highlight key signs and symptoms/behaviors and by the end of the movie have treated and concluded the disorders. Unfortunately the chronicity of major mental disorders give a false impression that cure is close at hand.

  96. There are many Pros and Cons of using movies to help students with
    Understanding psychiatric disorders. The Pros are: Being able to enhance the person's learning visual, because Having the ability to see certain psychiatric disorders is the only way for some students to understand. The movies do a better job of illuminating most behaviors. The movies show the real state of mind of a patient that may clearly display any and all types of thinking, thoughts and actions of a person going through mania, and depressed. However, there are some cons of using movies to help students, by displaying some psychiatric patients as more or less violent or marking them seem them out monsters. Never the less, this may not be correct. You may have some psychiatric Patients that are violent, but not all. Lastly movies often have a Vocal point on just the negative aspects of being a psychiatric patient. I would suggest using movies to assist with learning because it gives the student an idea of what to expect.

    1. Would this also work in med surg, peds, ob? Fortunately, between movies and youtube videos, these can be a great resource for students and help to improve student learning outcomes

  97. Blog about the pros and cons of using Movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders.
    In the 21st century, movies and television has become a part of the everyday life. Watching movies is a concept that has being applied in class rooms and educational sittings for many years? Movies can be use to tell a story, to increase knowledge, even to introduce a movement. On a personal level, movies have a way of touching the soul and evoking emotions that we didn’t know existed. Using movies to assist student learning and understanding of psychiatric disorder is great way for students to experiencing what the patient experience. For those of us who are visual learns movies are another way of making mental health more engaging. Although, at times the psychiatric movies are bite over the top but they tend to have great teachable moments for students. Because of dramatization of characters and scene students remember the scenario for long periods of times, all these are pros of using movies in classrooms. Movies on the other hand do have cons for student learning; some movies can be very long and drown out, this can become a waste of time. Many times they leave student with negative stigma about certain disorder. If the student is not a visual learner they can lose focus. In some movies patients are not the focus of the movie, in which case the nursing staff or the institutional staff is, their characters can really effect nursing student as far as career choice in future.

    1. Abou, I agree. with regards to you saying that the movies may create a negative stigma. This too was something i mentioned in my blog. Good expression of your idea.

    2. Students do remember the over the top scenes...since being at clinical...were you a little disappointed that the units are relatively "boring?'

  98. There is no doubt that movies can be really helpful to any learner especially in Mental health where movies seem to bring that abstraction of mental health concepts into real life. Besides extending learning beyond the text book and abstract ridden lecture method of higher education, it depicts the reality of any subject matter. I personally can vividly remember most literary movies I watched years back. That is the magic of movies.
    In terms of interest building activity building, no other activity does it better than a movie, it adds additional learning styles for the student and provides formidable teaching moment. It also helps to bring back the interest of the student to the subject matter in focus.
    On the other hand, there is no doubt that movies can make a student lose focus, because some movies maybe distracting, and while trying to present reality as close as possible, some may result in over exaggeration or under representation of facts. It may also take valuable time of learning and may not present the fact accurately.

    1. Its amazing the impact of movies on the human spirit.

  99. The use of movies in education generally is something that I have always experienced. Movies allow for the demonstration of an idea(s) that are somewhat hard to conceptualized. With respect to using movies to understand psychiatric disorders, I think this is one effective method to depict characteristics, techniques and concepts.

    In the Movie “One Flew Over a Cuckoo’s Nest”, helped identify what antisocial personality disorder would look like. Hearing the word “antisocial” would make you think of schizoid or schizotypal diagnosis. The option to visualize and connect the behavior and the techniques the nurse employed; as well as the clients reaction to the environment was helpful to see illustrated.

    One possible downfall of movies is that the may not always create a completely correct image of different diagnosis. it is also possible that movies have features that are exaggerated and may not represent reality in the most complete format.

    1. Thanks for commenting on your peers' posting. I have someone else to dialogue with (lol). Students often have problems interpreting the psych jargon and it is often misused or quoted in the media. Antisocial as you have come to learn ...means against societal norms not someone who does not want to interact with others

  100. The benefits and disadvantages of using movies to assist students with understanding of the psychiatric-mental health experiences can be endless and are shaped by individual personal perspective. A benefit in using movies to display the psychiatric mental-health experiences is that it provides a visual image for students that lack or have no experience in the mental health field. It allows viewers to gain a better understanding of mental health and provide information to reinforce the reading material about clients with mental health issues. A disadvantage is that the movies may exaggerate the truth and may not display an accurate image of clients that are mentally ill. Movies may reinforce social stigmas that the media portray and influence the viewer judgment of psychiatric-mental health experiences.

    1. This sounds like an excellent topic for your group social justice paper...who says its okay to stigmatize a group of individual who have chemical imbalances through movies and tv

  101. The pros and cons of watching a movie to get pschiatic information or understanding for yourself, I believe is subjective. Movies can overinflate reality. This is a disadvantage from what is being taught at schools and in text books. It does however give a generalize understanding of a mental illness might look like before seeing it for yourself. Like the movie, The Shining; this guy was crazy as all out doors and the wife acted like she never saw it in him. There are always subtle signs, you just need to pay attention to those signs. So what I'm saying here is that, until you have opened up a book or have heard lectures on mental health, movies are your best bet in understanding what mental health looks like.

    1. Not sure if movies are one's best bet to understanding what mental illness looks like but it does provide you with a framework for seeking out factual information

  102. I think that using movies to assist students in understanding psychiatric disorders can be both helpful and a hindrance. It can be helpful in that movies can be a useful and nonthreatening way of introducing information to a person who didn’t think they would be interested in the information to begin with. Film can be less intimidating and overwhelming than printed information. Also when learning, it can be more engaging, especially visual learners.
    Using movies can be a problem when movies are overdramatized and theatrical. With mainstream movies creative license is often taken, without giving proper weight to accurate portrayal of the issue. This is the reason why most of the public have misconceptions about the issue. Another problem that came up specifically with me was finding the resources (time, money) to actually see the required movies.

    1. You are in agreement with your classmates. Movies are visually appealing and less intimidating. But you do need to read the written word to compare the accuracy

  103. Blog #3 -Maedin Kebede
    The pros of using movies to assist students with understandings psychiatric disorder is that
    1- it help the students to actually experience the abstract feelings of the disorder and able them to observe the effect of the disorder in ones daily life as well as to know the stigma behind the disorder.
    2- One can see also the frustration of the family; the challenges that a care giver is going through, the transference, the counter transference; the empathy…
    The cons of using movies for teaching psychiatric disorder may be- students might overlooked it as fantasy or may be over taken it that might cause fear and may shut down there interest to be part of the psychiatric staff.

  104. I didn’t really think that movies would be helpful to understanding psychiatric disorders because it’s hard to know how realistic the movie is. I think that is definitely a con. Movies are made for ratings and making money. They aren’t made to be accurate or truthful. Hollywood adds a lot of extra fluff and fun for the purpose of entertaining so the audience has to take it with a grain of salt so-to-speak. However, when you told me that I should watch the movie Frankie and Alice I completely understood how movies are helpful. It really helped me see what multiple personalities looks like. It’s one thing to read about it in a textbook, but to see it what the person might look like and how it might affect their family, friends, and general environment brings a whole new perspective. It’s so hard to imagine how mental disorders affect the person’s everyday life and their family who is trying to take care of them or cope with reality. This is definitely a pro of using movies so I really appreciate the recommendation.

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. Using movies to help me better understand psychiatric disorders does have both positive and negative aspects. This is funny because everytime I watch movies now, I have an increases awareness concerning mental health disorders. Firstly, movies sometimes do give you a good presentation of mental disorders, including signs and behaviors. So people who are visual learners may take alot from films. Movies also help you to to actually see the information you learned in the classroom. They also give you an idea how it feels to to live with a mental illness. Movies also display how mental illness can affect one's family. As a student, I may not find out the true effect of my patient's illness on his or her family. Silver Lining Playbook is an excellent example.

    One con of using movies to understand psychiatric disorders is that movies sometimes exaggerate. The exaggerates images of mental health disorders can cause you to take on certain perceptions and beliefs. Movies play a huge role in creating stigmas about mental health. Many people believe what they see on the screen without researching it for themselves. It can also people to develop expectations that do not match up with reality. For example, a student may come to clinical very scared because of something they scene on a movie. Movies do not always accurately depict psychiatric disorders or settings.

  107. Movies are a great way to enhance learning. Depending on your learning style, watching movies will provide additional learning and understanding of the subject. Pros of watching movies provide visuals, it is an alternative to lecture pros, it helps to make the connection between the material and what is learned. If you miss something important, you can "rewind" or go back to review it. It broadens your outlook on the various mental health disorders; in addition, it provide examples to the disorders.
    The cons of movie time, is making the time to watch the movies in addition to studying. Also the movie may not be a clear understanding of what the mental disorder really is.


  109. Movies are a great idea for the use of visualizing psychiatric disorders, IF the disorder or psychiatric setting is properly represented.
    Pros: Some students, such as myself, are visual learners and the concept of the disease process is better umbedded in the memory. Such as the Herschel Walker documentary. I would recommend the use of documentaries over regualr fictional movies we are often exposed to.
    Cons: In many movies surrounding the psychiatric theme, the storyline is often exaggerated to emphasize the disorder. So as far as learning goes, students may get caught up in the stigma portrayed in the movies.

  110. In life there will always be a good and bad side to everything, it is up a person to create a columned chart to identify, then weigh the pros and cons. My personal opinion is that it is a 50/50. Equally good and bad. The pro of the situation that media has the ability to create a reality to humans, whether its factual or opinionated, can change viewpoints of social issues, and even lighten up serious situations with comedy. With that being said, many individuals are scared of speaking out on metal illness due to the stigma associated, a movie can promote a person to seek help, if they are relating to a person with an illness, an makes it an easier topic to bring up, it can use comedy to downplay it so the patient diagnosed may not feel like the "crazy kid". Movies can alter opinions of situation and in this cause the disease. Movies can also enlighten a person in an entertaining way, because when teaching about mental illness, it can be boring and elongated. The cons is that the message may get deferred and lost within the action of the movie, it can portray a negative image of the disorder, so it is strongly based on the content and how it is displayed because if the purpose is understanding psychiatric disorders, it needs to be understood at the end of the movie.

  111. Movies have more power than ever in the way people view social issues. The Pros of using Cinema gives insight to things that some people don't have a chance to experience, or, gives someone a new way to think of something they have or currently are experiencing. Movies can share perspective and opinion. I think showing students movies can be very useful as it gives them some idea of the things they may come into contact with. It can help a professor show examples of array of disorders by showing certain scenes of movies as opposed to strictly giving case studies or excerpts of text. It also can mentally prepare students or demonstrate safety measures to take.

    The cons of showing movies is that sometimes, cinema tends to be more dramatic than it needs to be for the appeal to the audience. ECT's in "A Beautiful Mind" were so over the top in my opinion that it seemed cruel and it could make students believe the patients are being treated poorly or have uneasy feelings going into the rotation. As long as the instructor is there to explain that something is being over-dramatic, it could still be viewed as beneficial but it requires some work on the side of the instructor, or some previous experience from the student.

  112. I think that a good portion of what I learned about mental conditions before ever studying them in my psychology background actually came from watching movies. I watched far too many movies when I was younger, although I rarely have time for them now. But so yes, therefore I think that movies can be quite informative when it comes to learning about psychiatric conditions (I personally like to call them conditions rather than disorders..). One benefit from learning about psychiatric conditions from movies is that they can be depicted quite accurately. This creates a fun and engaging, visual way to remember the learning material, so that is another bonus. On the other hand, however, conditions suffered by characters are sometimes displayed well but described ambiguously. So for example a character might display behaviour leading the viewer to believe the character is experiencing psychosis, and an elderly man wearing a labcoat and silly little glasses, holding a clipboard, tells the character's spouse that the character needs to take medicine.. but yet the diagnosis or condition remains undisclosed in the dialogue! So the viewer is left to either creatively fill in gaps left in the plot or to remain confused. The experience of watching movies in order to learn is a good one, nevertheless, because watching movies causes the viewer to be caught up in the story in such a way that the struggles of the characters are experienced by the viewer. Subsequently, empathy is developed; viewers can nearly grasp the pain that these people really go through every day.


  113. There are many pros and cons to using movies to help students learn about mental health issues. Some of the pros are that many of the movies to accurately depict many of the mental health issues and so it makes for a great learning experience. It is especially good for students that are visual learners. Movies help to show a visual picture of the signs, symptoms, and outcomes of mental illness. For example, movies such as Mr. Jones, Silver linings Playbook, and The Soloist. These movies help to give a picture of patients with Bipolar and Schizophrenia and the consequences that has on their lives.
    There are some major cons to using movies to help to students learn about mental illness. One reason is that movies are made for the purpose of entertainment and making money. So, many of the elements they include in moves are just for drama and it can give students the wrong ideas about mental illness. Many movies have over exaggerated characters and students may not be able to make the distinction between reality and fiction. Also, movies are made from the perspective of the movie’s writer so they include a lot of bias and opinions, which again can skew students thinking especially if they do not have any background knowledge on the illness.

  114. Movies are a great way of introducing certain topics to the general public. Most people will never encounter the situation, type of people or the experience one can receive from watching a movie. Using movies as a learning tool has both pros and cons to it. During our clinical period, we will never be able to see every symptom and every diagnosis. Using movies will allow us to see those diagnoses and symptoms that we may not every encounter in our clinical sites. Movies will give us a glimpse into not only the client’s condition and life, but possible reasons and motivations. A con for using movies as a way to understand psychiatric disorders is that they are still movies. These conditions that are portrayed may be overly exaggerated, giving the viewer an unrealistic view. If we take what we see in the movies and expect to see the same thing in our clinical site, we might be disappointed and/or miss out on our real clients.

  115. Week three Blog
    Movies are a great idea to incorporate in any learning experience. The pros of incorporating movies is that it helps to reinforce lecture and shows visual part of learning with mental health disorders. In a movie one can always go back to review it. It broadens your knowledge on the various mental health disorders because most of the disorders are only read or heard about and during movie time, it allows us to see the clinical manifestation of that mental health disorder.
    The cons in watching movies to assist with understanding psychiatric disorders are that some individuals are not interested movie watchers and may go to sleep while watching the movie making them to miss one important aspect of the movie. It is also important to note that some movies do not depict the right information. This will give the student the wrong perception of different disorders and mental illness. Another con is the time spent to look for the movie, that time can be used for something else.

  116. Week Three Blog 3
    The pros of using movies to help understand psychiatric disorder is to help visual learners to understand the diseases as well as auditory learners. It is used to help student understand the signs and symptom of the some mental illness. For example the schizophrenia movie that we watched in the classroom, help me to understand the disease process, and signs to expect from patient that has this disorder such as visual and auditory hallucination before going to the clinical site.
    The cons of using movies to help understand psychiatric disorder is that it may create bias in the mind of student that has no mental health experience. It can also bring discourage and put so much fear in the mind student before going to the clinical site.

  117. Movies are very helpful in understanding of the psychiatric-mental health experiences, concerns and perspective of individuals and /or families and a great educational tool because it provide a live experience on how it is to live with the disorder. It allow students to look at the characters, their illness, clinical manifestations associated with the illness, treatments, effect of being in compliance and/or non compliance, medical procedures, how nurses can help or hinder their patients, and the effect of the milieu environment. Basically, the movies summarize the disorder visually and can help students retain the significant aspect of the disorder and recognize it in real life situation. The pros also expose us to various disorders that we do not get to see during our clinical rotations. I really don't have cons except, time factor because we are so overwhelmed with class work, projects, and clinical that we do not have time to watch all the required movies.

  118. There are lots of ways through which people acquire effective learning. I am a visual learner and this implies that all information, documentaries, pictures, or demonstrations are easily understood and automatically store in long term memory. It also easy for me to retrieve any information store in my brain due to the fact of visual learning. With that being said, the pros about using movies to understand psychiatric disorders are:
    1. It easier for students to remember the scenario of the movie. When study watch a movie related to mental health, it much easier to connect the information obtained in the movie to what is been taught in class

    2. Showing movies in class or any setting in relation to mental health enables students to understand mental health disorders. The movie enables students to witness a mental disorder person acting out. It’s easier to identify and recall the symptoms of various disorders.

    3. It is more entertaining

    Cons are:

    1. Movie might be not be accurate. People, settings, or information share in the movie may be outdated.

    2. Also sometime it is quite difficult to find the movies needed for that particular disorder. 3. Movies are mostly based on other people’s opinions and may not be factual.

  119. There are a lot of movies that are made regarding mental health problems and it has both negative and positive impact on the field of mental health. One of the positive impact that I noticed, it increases the awareness of a particular mental illness about its impact on the daily patient life and also the family. The best example is the movie "Still Alice", this movie clearly portrays the impact of Alzheimer's disease on the family and also the progression of the disease. Therefore, watching this movie will enable students to think about the disease and have some idea on how it affect patients and families. Also, because movies are entertaining and more interesting, it makes it easy for students to understand certain mental health problems.
    However, because some movies create a negative image on mental illness by relating it to frightening experiences or relating patients with mental illness to crazy and aggressive; most students can become fearful to care for such patients.

  120. The pros about using movies for psychiatric disorders is that you get to see what a person might look like who is having a rough time controlling their mental illness. They give you a visual of what you may not actual get to see in real life. Another pro for watching movies is that it helps for study purposes. Remembering certain scenes can help you recall information if the person is experiencing side effects to medication or a bad episode of their disorder.
    The cons about watching movies are that they can depict the illness in an exaggerated form to make the audience pay attention. I believe that emphasis is placed on the negative side of the disorder instead of showing the progression of the individual getting better. What is being presented may not always be the truth because some movies are merely for entertainment purposes instead of educational.

  121. Movies give us an opportunity to visualize different psychiatric disorders without being anxious or afraid of potential danger that may be associated with actual clinical interaction in the real world. It also gives us a better understanding of such disorders which may be very difficult to comprehend by reading textbooks or power points.
    Movies are indeed great learning tools especially for visual learners in the psychiatric field.
    Few cons of using movies as a teaching/learning aid is that most movies are somewhat exaggerated, and some of the movies are old and which could send a false sense of reality to students of this generation. I also have the feelings that some movies may not really be very accurate since they are written in a person 's perception, unlike textbooks that are opened to yearly updates by publishing current editions.

  122. There are definately pros and cons of using movies to teach about mental illness. Some of the pros that I have found is that movies are great to provide a visual of some of the clinical manifestations that students may not be able to see in a short 7 weeks clinical. It is also an useful tool to provide some exposure to nursing management and therapeutic communication and to see some of the nursing-patient interactions.
    Some of the cons of using movies assignments are that movies can portrait unrealistic perception of a mental illness. Sometimes movies can add to the stigma that already exist and also movies are time consuming and can make the student overwhelmed when they are also thinking about other assignment and exams that need to be completed.

  123. I believe there are lots pros and cons of watching movies to understand psychiatric disorder. Firstly, they are very good for visual learners, they are helpful to nursing students because it allows them see how mental health issues are addressed and treated presently and in the past. The way things are done in the old movies are more of old fashion compare to modern nursing where the use of evidence- based, tel-health and other different kinds of technologies are used. I also believe they are more of entertainment than what we should have gained through nursing intervention and other expectations.

  124. Movies have depicted many life situations and scenarios. Good or bad, viewers who receive entertainment gain insight on what is being shown. Therefore, there are many pros and cons to the usage of movies. For psychiatric disorders in particular, there has always been a stigma attached to mental health and the portrayal of mental institutions. For nursing students, this could be beneficial or detrimental to the learning process. The pros include an understanding about mental disorders, which are close to an actual depiction, and learning of the treatments involved. Moreover, the cons can promote stereotypes of mental illness, in which psychiatric disorders are commonly shown as horror movies. This gives a negative image, and false perception of certain elements about mental health. It is important for nursing students to use their textbooks and other credible resources along with psychiatric movies to help enhance learning and clear any misconceptions.

  125. Watching movies of psychiatric mental health disorders definitely has pros and cons no matter how you view it. Some of the pros of using movie in psyche nursing are; - movies give you a visual understanding of what a mental disorder is all about. You practically see it as compare to reading it from the book and this helps you to remember the characteristics of a disorder better especially for those who have a good photogenic memory and a visual learner. - Movie also give you a break from reading and a time to relax with friends or family with whom you watch the movies.
    Some of the cons of using movies in psych nursing are; - Some times, movies portray the worse case scenario of mental illness you would never find in the psyche unit because we have to understand that movie is a business and is all about making money and this all adds to the stigma of psychiatric mental health nursing.- Movies might also give you the wrong idea of mental health treatment and nurses. For example, the cold and mean nurse Rachet and the electroshocking procedure of the patients which i thought was very brutal.- It is time consuming to seat for three hours or more to watch one movie to learn about a disorder than just reading the book and knowing more than depicted in the movie. And finally, i thought it is more stressful to find the movies if your local library don't carry them, then the students have to rent them and if they are financially unable then that adds to the stress of being in nursing school.

  126. Movies can be a great resource for gaining information. Oftentimes, movies are used to help teach about different subjects. In understanding psychiatric disorders, movies can be quite helpful. A pro of using a movie is that it will help show a student what a disorder looks like. A movie can show behaviors and mannerisms associated with different psychiatric disorders. A movie could also give a student a different perspective of what a psychiatric illness looks like.

    The use of movies to understand psychiatric disorders does have cons. Movies are often dramatized to improve the story line and to bring people in. Movies can also perpetuate stereotypes of what mental illness looks like and can be based off of other media portrayals. Details shown about a psychiatric disorder in a movie can be based on the stigma often found in mental health.

    Movies can be a good tool to help a student learn about psychiatric disorders however, the student must be aware of any stigmas or stereotypes portrayed in the movie.

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. Pros

    Movies provide student with some of the signs and symptoms displayed by the characters in the play as it relates to the content of the book. Its gives a clear visual image for students that are visual leaner or have no experience in the mental field. it allows student to gain better understanding of mental health and strengthen their reading material


    Watching mental illness on the movie, may give a negative image of what is really happening with the individual with mental illness, it will not explain the chemical imbalance in the brain but only display the behavioral aspect of it. watching movie on psychiatric will also strengthen the social stigmas that has been in century concerning mental illness. For example, the movie “one flew over the cuckoo’s” portray the image of a mental health nurse as cruel, bitter, and lack of emotion for her patient. She runs the psychiatric ward with great control, keeping her patient through humiliation and taking so many rights from them. Personally, I believe to actually get the experience of mental health, will be physically present on a mental health facility, because student will have access to patients chart and be able to read their past history without being judgmental.

  129. First of let me say I enjoy watching movies, if classes were about watching movies I would have an A lol. But with anything there are pros and cons to everything. Using movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders is a good thing because it takes you away from the traditional style of learning. Of course we need our reading materials and lectures, but actually watching it for entertainment and learning can be very beneficial. Another pro of using movies to assist a student with understanding is that a movie will put the movie in motion. You can actually see a disorder being acted out and it can help with understanding. A con to using movies to assist with understanding is that sometimes movies are fabricated. The real meaning of the psychiatric disorder may not be portrayed and you can confuse what’s real with what you see. Also another con to watching movies is that some students may solely depend on the movie and do not refer to the books for more detailed information. In our psych class, I have used movies to understand things because I am a visual learner and it helped me with understandings.

  130. I think the pros of using movies to help students understand psychiatric disorders is that It can be beneficial. I think so because it was for me especially if it was a movie I had seen before such as One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and A Beautiful mind. When I watched both of these movies in the past it was just for entertainment and I didn't really understand or pay much attention to the characters and their various disorders. The cons would be that movies are not always factual and one would have to recognize that sometimes the writer or producer can take a character or issue where ever they would like to. This is something that needs to be considered so the student is not misinformed.

  131. I believe the one of the pros of using movies is that in some sense, they can give you an idea how disorders present and a general understanding of what the disorder is. For example, in the movie Mean Girls, we are able to see what Narcissistic Personality disorder is when it is portrayed by the character Regina George. She has an overwhelming sense of self-importance and believes she is better than everyone. She only associates herself with people of equal importance or people and who are constantly praising her and tending to her every need. She always needs to be admired and she gets upset when she is not. She uses takes advantage of other people for personal gain and lacks empathy. She often feels entitled. When you're watching a movie, you typically don't pick up on things like that from a healthcare stand point but, now that I've taken this course it is easier to see that some characters are created to portray certain mental disorders. A con to movies is that sometimes certain disorders are distorted and exaggerated just for entertainment purposes and that type of things downplays the severity and seriousness of what really goes on with certain disorders.

  132. In this generation movies have more influences in our everyday life, especially in our judgement. I personally can relate almost everything to what I have seen on a movie. I even find myself unconsciously making assumptions or basic life decisions based on what I saw in Cinema. This lets us know that in a high tech more digital world we live in, movies play a big role in how we define reality. Personally I think utilizing movies to assist us to have a better understanding of the mental health illness is a great idea.
    Pros: The short length of time we spend in clinical and depending on which clinical location we’re placed, we will not be able to have a visual picture of the different mental health disorder we talk about in class. These movies allow me to have a better understanding on the disorder.
    Cons: Movies rarely paint a true form of reality. In the same way, physic movies tend to be more exaggerated than the actual picture

  133. I am not really a movie person however to do enjoy a good movie everyone once in a while. Watching movies and videos related to psych nursing is helpful to me because I am a visual learner I feel like you haven't really learned anything until you have actually witnessed it. The only exception to watching movies is its almost like the textbook in an image the movies are scripted and controlled so while movies do provide a good example in a "perfect world" I feel like the absolute best way to learn is by hands on experience.

  134. I love movies, therefore using them to help with school is great for me.

    Pro's: A pro for me is if i am having a hard time understanding a certain concept or identifying certain disorders, the movie helps because it allows me to see it and remember it. I am a visual learner. therefore reading a textbook may or may not stick as well as me watching a movie with a character having certain manifestations

    Cons- A con related to movies for learning can be different for each person. I think a movie can cause generalization related to mental health disorders. For example, if a character on the movie is displaying signs of depression from bipolar disorder, a student may see these signs in a clinical setting and assume the patient has bipolar disorder.

    Overall, i think it a unique and helpful way to learn.

  135. I'm really not into watching movies unless I have it on DVD and I can watch it in increments. It usually takes me a few days to watch a movie b/c I will go to sleep. However, for the purpose of learning I will try to stick it out. I believe that watching movies for learning is very helpful because it gives the learner a visual. Sometimes you can read about a disorder but it will really make sense if it can be visualized. On the other hand watching a movie for learning may not be a good option for a person with a short attention span, or for a person like me who will fall asleep two seconds into the movie

  136. I enjoy watching movies to understand psychiatric disorders. It allows me to bring the textbook to life. As a visual learner watching movies is a great supplement that helps me remember various symptoms and treatments. Now when I watch movies for leisure I find myself thinking like a nurse; diagnosing the characters before there illness is stated and predicting what they will do next. One con is that movies are not always medically correct and sometimes the movies misrepresent the disorders. I enjoy the use of movies in assistance with my understanding of psychiatric disorders. I think there are more pros than cons and it’s a method that should be incorporated into other courses as well.

  137. Watching movies is a great way to learn about pyschiatric disorders, especially if you're a visual learner. Movies are a good visual to the textbook theories. They help paint a better idea of how people with mental disorders may react to certain stimuli. Often, I find myself trying to diagnose patient's on screen before it's On the other hand, movies can paint a false picture of what it's like in the real world. There's always adequate staffing, it's only one patient that's having an episode and doesn't affect the other patients. Also, movies may be difficult to follow. However, movies are a great option when trying to get a good visual of mental health disorders.

  138. Blog Week 3
    Movies are a powerful medium for teaching students (in psychology, social work, medicine, nursing, and counseling), engaging patients, and educating the public about the fascinating world of psychopathology. Mental health movies are often like going to the zoo. They can be wonderful but you go with the normal person surrogate and together you view the person with mental illness. The hope being that if one students who came home from the movie theater and saw somebody screaming at empty air on the street corner, there is a greater chance of relating to the person differently and if the student does so related to the person differently with understanding, the movie would have impacted on him positively. That is one of the advantages of knowing that a student has understood a psychiatric disorder.
    On the other hand one of the disadvantages of using Movies to assist students with understanding psychiatric disorders is that many timed there are so many assumptions the movie writers make in solving the misery of mental illness in movies and student might get carried away and confused in using such assumption id diagnosing and treating patient with mental health.
